Two systems in the same room


Could somebody share with me his experiences with setting two systems in the same dedicated room, one across another. I'm having a thought about setting a system more oriented on rock, and one more oriented for vocals, soul and jazz, but am not certain would the two systems interfere. I have noticed that most people avoid it but the reasons are unclear to me, pardon my ignorance. Thank you very much in advance.
You will get some interactions between the speakers in use and the ones not in use (sympathetic vibration). it is also difficult in terms of room acoustics.
Here is a thought. First I assume you can afford speakers which will accomodate both types equally well.

Just set up a second set of electronics for the same speakers - one tube based for vocals, soul, and jazz, the other SS based for rock, etc. Have two runs of cables to the speakers with banana plugs so you can connect either system in about 5 seconds.

Works for me (I actually have three different set ups and one set of speakers.)
We've had to do this for some of our dealers. There are definitely tricks to help, one is a tapestry that can be hung out in front of the system not in use, but there are other things in terms of directing sound energy that can reduce the interaction between the two.
Save your money on 2 systems and make one good system. Its the quality of the rock recordings that have you thinking that you need 2 systems. Spend quality money on one and you will never think twice. Add a sub to the system and adjust it when you need the extra kick for the rock recordings. The accuracy is what turns you off about the rock recordings but also clicks for the classical,jazz and vocals. Alcohol helps too.