Two systems in the same room


Could somebody share with me his experiences with setting two systems in the same dedicated room, one across another. I'm having a thought about setting a system more oriented on rock, and one more oriented for vocals, soul and jazz, but am not certain would the two systems interfere. I have noticed that most people avoid it but the reasons are unclear to me, pardon my ignorance. Thank you very much in advance.
If you're happy with the presentation on jazz with the components you have, I might suggest that you move to a higher end integrated, or a tube preamp/SS (or hybrid) amp, & a pair of speakers that will do rock well: Von Schweikert, Tyler, Silverline, Reimer, etc. If you sold your current amp & speakers, and applied them to your budget, I think you will get more for your money. I don't want to talk you out of two systems, but if you are happy with the Krell on jazz music, a really good tube pre/SS amp set up will cover the full range.

Just my two cents...
Boa2 thanks, I will probably do as you suggested but now I have to check up on dealers in my area.
i have 2 sets of speakers side by side ( Merlins EXL-4 & Merlin VSM m) on one system for the past couple of months, so far no problem. two different sounds on one system.