Has your gear ever hurt you???

It seems that every piece of equipment I buy now a days weighs a ton! My speakers are 200lbs each and my monoblocks are 150lbs each!!! Each time I try to move them I swear I feel a hernia coming on. I am also always afraid I am going to drop something. And in true audiophile fashion, I imagine how I would contort my body to protect my beloved gear if the unthinkable was to happen. Fortunately for me, I have never had to sacrifice my body for my gear but I know the day is coming (too many late night re-arrangments). Actually, I gave myself a deep gash on my leg as I was walking over my amps the other day. Even though the Pass Labs amps look great, those heat sinks can be absolutely deadly!! Why do the things we love so much also hurt us so????

So, I am wondering if anyone else has been hurt by their gear in one way or another.
Two unpleasant experiences for me.
When I bought my Aerial 10T(heavy speakers)I picked them up myself from the sellers place.They were in their original five carton boxes plus two boxes for the metal stands.I borrowed a cube van from work.The kwey chain they gave me had two keys one for the engine and a smaller one that fitted a padlock.I was with my 10 year old son,on our way back on the highway he asked me to stop at McDonalds for food,so I did ,but the parking lot was huge and very busy with people coming and going so I decided to lock the back rolling door of the cube van for security reasons while we were eating inside.The padlong was hanging at the door handle so I used it thinking the litle key provided was the one to unlock.BUT when we arrive back home I couldn't open the lock because the key was the WRONG one for the padlock.It was mid July afternoon and very sunny and hot.I pulled all the boxes out of the sliding door that connects the cab with the back of the cube van.I thought of cutting the padlock with a grinder but didn't do it because my neighbours were all out.I just barely fitted the boxes past the driving wheel.It was tough.
Second story was when I brought home my Rogue Zeus at 225lbs.I hauled it in by myself up the stairs into the house and everything.My brother in law wasn't available and it was 10 o'clock at night in January of this year.I just didn't want to leave the amp at the back of my truck in subezero temperatures.I am in Toronto,Canada with the famous Canadian winters.
Oh well the things we do for the hobby.
Lost a toenail on the corner of an amp 20 years ago. I was moving things around one night and forgot the amp was in the middle of the floor the next morning when I walked out into the living room. It still hurts when I think about it now.
Everytime I change cables on my Eagle 4 I end up hurting my hands on those blasted heat sinks! NOT an ergonomic design...
Dropped a Jolida CDP remote on my toe once. That remote is heavy! Still have a bruised toenail.