Anyone on Tungstram 6DJ8s?

I just replaced these in my Bel Canto SEP1 pre amp. I don't believe they are the stock tubes? What a difference with the change, but I was wondering if anyone knows the scoop on these babies? I never heard them mentioned on the 'gon.
You can find a lot of information on these in the Tube Forum at Audio Asylum.
I tried some Tungsram 6922. They were without question the worst tubes I have ever heard. Lifeless and listening with your head under a blanket.

On the other hand, I own some Tungsram 12AU7, and they are remarkably good. Similar in tone to Mullard.
Warren, I'm not familiar with your SEP-1 preamp. I tried to do some research on it in the threads, but not much info. Here's an interesting thread:

As I understand it, this preamp was designed to use two 6DJ8 tubes, the lowest in the line of this type family. I was going to recommend my favorite 6922 version the incomparable Siemens CCa, early 60's, grey plate, but they're very expensive. What matters is what you like. If the Tungsram sounds good to you, then enjoy it in your preamp. Tube rolling can be fun, but frustrating at times. I finally found what works best in my preamp and have stopped the tube rolling and began to stock-pile a few pairs for the future. Apparently there was a SEP-2 version where one owner liked a pair of early Amperex 6922 pinched waists. Have fun experimenting and Merry Christmas.