Does Shunyata Hydra sound best with just one unit

I'm curious if the Shunyata Hydra power conditioners sound better with just one component plugged into them? When I plug more than one component into my PS Audio Ultimate Outlets and PS Audio UPC 200's the sound becomes more congested, there's less resolution and the fatigue factor increases. Sadly, I suspect it's universal that power cords function better when they're not being hogged by two or more components. Here I am with all this PS Audio conditioning equipment and I'm only using one outlet in each of them. Is it possible there's a conditioner on the market which will allow me to use several of my components without compromising sound?
01-06-07: Joefama
Tvad -
Threshold SA/4e specs are clearly stated in print in both in the owners operation manual and service manual. Also even states in my original Threshold brochures.
"30 amps continuous and 130 amps peak".
I believe this is a spec for current output of the amp, not current draw.

To calculate current draw, Watts=Volts/Amps. So, divide the maximum power consumption of your amp (wattage) by 120 volts, and you will have the current draw of the amplifier.

As an example, the Pass Labs X150 has max power consumption of 600 watts. 600 watts/120 volts = 5 amps.

Try this for your amp.

I found the formula in this article.
...and this paragraph:
In the U.S., computers get plugged into 120-volt circuits. So we'd divide our 5,000W by 120 volts for a total power consumption of 41.6 amps.
I have the original Hydra that doesn't have current/power limitation (except for the fuse). Does anyone also own this unit and which units are you plugging in to? Thank you.

Chris (Netherlands)
I have the following experience with the Original Hydra. When I plug the power amplifier into the Hydra there is a very black and silent background. Music seems to emanate from this dead silent background, which gives a weird experience. I don't like it, it's weird. So I plug the power amplifier directly into the AC wall outlet. Then I get a more "natural" sound with some of the noise, some of the grunge you also can hear in real life.
