How do you listen, individual cut, full album?

After reading a few recent threads concerning ipod vs vinyl I noticed differences in people's listening habits. Many of those who are listening to vinyl describe the act of preparing an lp and then listening to it in its entirety while those who have burned their collections to various digital medium listen in a random select mode. This is a generalization but it got me wondering.
I began serious listening back in the day of vinyl listening to albums from start to finish. This habit has continued with cds. I can tell you my kids listen to cuts instead of full albums as their music is on ipods or hard drives. Is this a generational thing? How do you listen and how did this come about for you?
Excellent point Chad, excellent album also. Radiohead's "OK Computer" is another example.
Chadnliz: "At home, entire album. In the car, I surf like I have A.D.D."

Good stuff! Nothing left of the "seek" button except a spring, or an inserted paper clip to change the track/chnl.
I'm with Ckorody. If I'm listening to LPs or CDs, I almost always listen to the entire album in order. I'm sure I got in that habit from all the prog rock "concept" albums I bought in the 70s, when they were designed as a coherent whole. Plus, as Chadnliz points out, you end up hearing great tracks you might not if you skip around.

My iPod, however, is set to shuffle 100% of the time, AND I have a smart playlist set up so that it never repeats tracks until they've all been played once. I only use my iPod at times when I'm doing something else - mowing the lawn, walking, airplane trips - so I don't really care how the tracks fit, and I enjoy the variety.

When my tuner is on, I generally listen to whatever the DJ picks.

