Getting off the merry-go-round – AFRAID TO???

I won’t pretend that I have many hobbies I like. I have been into cars & a few other hobbies which did not last. This is the only hobby which I kept coming back to consistently with MUCH enthusiasm. I have gained tremendous satisfaction, knowledge by reading articles, threads & reviews. I so look forward to winding down in front of my system after a tiring days work!

The problem is getting off the merry-go-round (also read as continuous spending). I have now assembled two very satisfying systems to fulfill my listening moods. One based on Western electric 300B’s & Lowther fullrange horns & the other with 250 Watts of Mac power running into full frequency Transmission-lines going down to 18Hz. As I see it, I SHOULD BE DONE!

But to answer the above question, do I want to stop? Afraid to say, the answer for me is still NO. I need something to look forward to that I enjoy besides only listening to music!

Are there more ‘philes like me…………………

I will try and get off the merry go round with you .... just as soon as I grab that blasted gold ring...
If you are satisfied with the sound of your two systems for the present, take a break and get off the upgrade path for the next 6 months. Spend the money and the time going to every live music concert you want to see, that is convenient for you to attend. At worst, you will end up with some great memories, a renewed perspective on how live music sounds, and maybe even the answer to the question of whether the time off has re-energized you for your audio hobby, or made you realize your systems are suitable for your enjoyment as they are now. Have fun.
I'm 49 and have been in the hobby for 30 years more or less. I've reached the pinnacle (at least as far as am willing to go) with separates (amp/pre) and have found a speaker that I really, really think I can stay with for a long time (Merlin VSM-MXe). The urge to get off the merry-go-round has also hit me. My first step is to move towards exploring integrateds. I'm buying a small 30 Watt Ars Sonum integrated which is suppose to be a great match with my speakers, and if is close to my CAT stuff, I'll be through with separates. So far, so good, except I'm already planning on having a couple of intgrateds based on different tube types, etc. I have to admit it; I love equipment (and music). At least I'll have one less cable and power cord -that's a start.

Good post! Sounds like you need to start a 3rd system. Maybe it is time for a system built around electrostatic or planar speakers.
