Dust...It's Killing Me

Okay guys, I need a solution to keep my components dust free. I've tried lots of audio racks, but most emphasize performance , and I understand that. My wife, does not. I need something that will keep my rack or components clean...anyone have any ideas?
Like Ncarv, I use the Swiffer too. Pretty effective for the money. I dust my setup every evening after a listening session...doubles up as an exercise routine also!
"...Dust in the wind. All we are is dust in the wind..."

Don't let it bother you; we'll all be contributing big time soon enough.
I just through a clear plastic table-cloth cover or drop cloth over the whole rack when not in use. The only thing left out is the SS power amp, which stays on all the time. I have to dust that off periodically. My rig is in my extremely dusty basement, btw.