most annoying neighbor?

Just wondering if this topic has ever sprung up on the Gon. I have next door to me, most likley the most annoying neighbor I have ever been accustomed to. Almost all day at low volumes "Thank God" he plays some kind of tom tom music almost ritual in nature even at 5:30am. At the moment as I am typing I can hear, it very faint but it is there like dripping water from a faucet. I have yet to hear anything else from him in terms of identifiable music such as we know just the same over and over and over. I was wondering any fellow Goners ever have the displeasure LOL?
Remind them that people have died over this issue. And you are buying a gun...
Thank goodness I have moved into an 'over 55' building and all the noise I can hear is my own. period.
And I play the same Cd over and over all the time. For my pets. When I am gone it is on. For YEARS the same CD... They like it, I even listen to it at times because I am too lazy to change it.
Michael Fremer was once concerned about being that annoying neighbor because he listens to music (obviously), but does so sometimes loudly. Go to this page and click on the bottom right part about Michael Fremer and Sound isolation in apartments.
It seems that this is a problem all over and I think Elizabeth has the best solution, move into a 55 and older building or community if your age permits. I had problems with mostly the young they seem not to get it after a certain time QUITE.
Schipo - I'm ten years away. What to do? ;)

Anyway, had some out-of-place teens blasting rap everyday while playing basketball with my hoop across the street. Now, you have to realise, this is Somerset County, NJ. The whitest, Republican conservatives outside of the Belt. (I'm a middle ground Dem). I asked nicely a few days. Nothing. So I walked across the street, lifted the massive boombox, and hurled it to the ground. So wonderful to see the pieces. The one threaten to tell his Dad - So I went there with him! His drunk, white trash Dad beat the shit out of him! The other Asian Indian kid (across the street) told his Dad and, I quote, his father said to him, "Can't you see he's (me) a crazy man. Leave him alone."

My "craziness" has worked well for me through the years. Right now, my two neighbors don't get along. (I live on a corner so a) one neighbor on side, b) the other behind). My side neighbor is a hot shot State lawyer. He and his wife can be very pushy. That's why they're fueding with my behind neighbors. (Boy, that sounds bad - my behind neighbors)! But they've never messed with me since I made it clear that I love being on the offensive when it comes to a-holes. The mayor, who lives across the street, told me that the lawyer fears I'd burn his house down if he pisses me off!

p.s. I already "get help" on a weekly basis so you don't need to suggest it.

Have fun!
Elizabeth, you said:
Remind them that people have died over this issue. And you are buying a gun...
I assume that you were joking! A word to the wise..DON'T ACTUALLY DO THIS!!! In many states, this could be construed as a "death threat", which could result in a felony charge, depending upon state law.

Now, if you just shoot the bastard, and dig a hole in the desert.....(-: