most annoying neighbor?

Just wondering if this topic has ever sprung up on the Gon. I have next door to me, most likley the most annoying neighbor I have ever been accustomed to. Almost all day at low volumes "Thank God" he plays some kind of tom tom music almost ritual in nature even at 5:30am. At the moment as I am typing I can hear, it very faint but it is there like dripping water from a faucet. I have yet to hear anything else from him in terms of identifiable music such as we know just the same over and over and over. I was wondering any fellow Goners ever have the displeasure LOL?
Living In a big military area I think I am wise by not getting up the nose of any neighbor with my out of the 70's non rock stuff played daily. Its amazing what a cd (or two) of old school rock can do as a gift of peace.
A neighbor across the street on the other end of the block where I live has at least two loud parties every summer although this year they had 4 parties -- 3 of which apparently were connected to a (hindu) wedding. The bass is usually so loud that it makes anything in my home that is not nailed down vibrate. Also, on the eve of Labor Day this year they just started playing loud music at 2:30AM. Its like they don't give a s*%t about their fellow neighbors. My next door neighbor ended up going across and talking them, after which the volume dropped to almost being inaudible.
I have two neighbors who are tied for first place. Silicon Sally, who mows her front yard in a bikini, and the Steeler fan who likes to park his pick up truck full of Steeler decals in front of my house. He was in sole possession of first place until he moved his outhouse to the back yard. Now, its a tie.