Large room fix

What is the best amp and speaker combo for a room with all hard surfaces. I didn't really know how bad my system sounded until I hooked up my older gear into the short term rented home I am in now. Long story pre upgraded (older) equipment I have playing now in a "normal" sized room with wall to wall carpeting sounds way better then my "upgraded" gear in my home with hard floors, large windows and tall ceilings. Do I simply need more power and bigger woofers?
Steady now, as others have advised, tweak the room. Avoid thinking of any equipment changes, especially the purchased kind.
Csmithbarc, given your placement constraints I would not recommend dipoles, bipoles, or omnis.

Speakers with good power response that I think would work well in your room include models from SP Technology (Timepiece or larger); big Harbeths; Gradient Evidence or Revolution; PiSpeakers (3Pi, 4Pi or 8Pi); Edgarhorns; Classic Audio Reproductions; Tyler Acoustics Pro Dynamics 80; vintage Altec Model 14 and Model 19; vintage JBL Model 4430; GedLee Summa; and the AudioKinesis Jazz Module. I'm sure there are others I'm not thinking of. I'm a dealer for two of the lines mentioned here, and used to be for two others.

Shahinians are an innovative poly-directional that can get away with being placed close to the wall because their rear-facing drivers are angled up, so they're a possibility. Likewise large Silverlines Audio models are a possiblity, as their departures from smooth power response are psychoacoustically rather benign.

If you can't treat the room, perhaps something like the Tact gear would work for you.

Thanks for your very detailed help. Of all the speakers you listed your Jazz Module's are by far the best looking (important for the wife...and me I guess). Would they work just as well with high powered SS amps...if thats the way I go in the future?
Csmithbarc, my speakers should have the same tonal balance pretty much regardless of amplification except in the deep bass (below 60 Hz or so).

With a low-damping-factor tube amp my speakers will give increased bass output as compared with a solid state amp or medium-damping-factor tube amp. The proper port tuning is a function of amplifier damping factor and room acoustics, but all else being equal a higher tuning frequency would be appropriate with a solid state amp (the port tuning is user-adjustable). With proper tuning, a low-damping-factor tube amp would give you about 1/4 octave deeper bass extension - like 32 Hz vs 37 Hz.

Nice to hear that your wife has such fine taste in loudspeakers! ;o)
