Wise audio aphorisms

What can you guys come up with to summerize key aspects of this disease/hobby/love/art?

Let me begin with these:

1. If you hear no difference then there is no difference
2. Cost is the cloud that obscures the ears
3. Without love of music love of equipment is materialism
4. Pay attention!
a fool and his money soon are parted.
there is no fool like an audiophool.
there are no absolutes. its all a matter of opinion.
sound quality is mind over matter. if you don't mind it doesn't matter.
pigs get slaughtered.
tubes rule. don't be a solid state fool.
solid state is a miserable state.
you can dress up digital but i's still a pig.
garbage in , garbage out, except when it passes through a euphonic tube amp.

ther's more, but this will do.