How do you negotiate a cure for wrong audio view

It is a shame when our art degenerates into 'hobby'. To let the mind stray from the wonderous pregnancies of the composer or performer's works into mere material quest for sonic reproduction is sad indeed. Now mind you, I love the pursuit of sonic excellence same as the next audiophile, but when my mind looses the 'big picture' of the art I become reduced to a mere 'hobbyist', which for me is a sad feeling indeed. My remedy is a total shift in view: from the deaf equipment to the animate speaking beauty conveyed by the mere devices. When I recognize that I am spending my time thinking about the 'machines' I hopefully remember to LISTEN, THINK, APPRECIATE, and disappear into the magic of sound. What do you do with this inevitable problem?
OK Hoopster, that much is clear. My point is that there is a danger of becoming a crass materialist when the mind rests on the hobby, as opposed to the glorified transfiguration possible through the Art. In the end, the hi-fi is mildly interesting for a while. Music is sublime beyond time. It is a matter of where you put YOUR MIND. If that is not clear then I guess one becomes content to be a hobbyist who enjoys music. If that is so, more power to you, there are worse things! But to me it misses the big picture. I know there are probably guys with systems 10,000 time better than mine who listen to Britany Spears or whatever vapid drivel runs down the pike. If that makes them happy then I am glad they are happy. But it seems that avoiding a common trap is still a good topic for discusion.
Maybe I am not being clear. The 'hell realm of dull geeky materialism' is my smart-ass way of making a point, albeit in a provocative manner. This is a high end audio site. I am an audiophile. However I do not have to bind my attention up with mere machines all the time. The whole reason I have the machines is to let my mind soar, and let my awareness dissolve, into spaces charged with sublime waveform vibratory movement. Isn't the whole point to be transported? When the gear displaces that, I think something is wrong. I also think GEAR WILL NOT MAKE YOU HAPPY!
Unfortunately, I think we all( or a large percentage of us)have fallen into this quandary. The problem began with me when I was introduced to highend or at least at that time what I thought was highend equipment. The pursuit was on!!
It was no longer about listening to the music but the pursuit of "the absolute sound" which by the way is a never ending journey. The reason being, we're never satisfied(which is human nature)for long. When we do an upgrade it'll probably last on average six months maybe a year and that's pushing it. Then the mkII version comes out and its significantly better according to the manufacturer and all of the audiophile rags! and we're back on the pursuit.
Why? because we're not listening to the music, we're listening to the equipment. Now ,I no a lot of folks will say that they are listening to the music but the question is if that's true, then why keep upgrading? I mean how much better can the music get? Right, its not the music but sound of the music! Is that a redundant statement? Think about it.
The times that I listened to the music the most was when I had Radioshack quality equipment and had a limited budget! That's also, the time when I was most satisfied.
Let's face it (as one of my audiophile buddies says)we need therapy!!!smile.
My suggestion is if you want to remain remotely sane in this hobby, stay away from this forum and others like it. Also, stay away from all of the audiophile rags(magazines)
you'll be a lot happier!
I know is that is that really realistic?
Just my two cents worth, something for folks to ponder...
Hi Chashmal,Take a look at the Anstendig Institute website.
Interesting stuff.
I am a classical musician.My interest in stereo was initially to listen to recordings of my concerts.
Then,20 years ago,I lost the ability to play,and because I do not go out much,most of my listening is done at home.
Without going into the finer points of the issues that you touch on,it would probably be useful to ask which aspects of recreating sound are most important for the suspension of disbelief.
And there,most probably,different people have discovered that their priorities are different.
My guess is that color,or harmonic complexity,would tend to be high on most peoples' lists for the simple reason that our brain can not synthesize this quality to fill in for what is missing on the recording/system.
Hence,the popularity of SET triode amps.
My solution is to have different sounding systems at home.