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Found 77 results

 Can SMPS based preamps/amps sound organic ?
Nagra, David Berning, Linn, Crayon Audio comes to mind
 Your favourite recording label?
In no particular order, Linn, Waterlilly, ECM and Opus...favourite artists on the label are; ...
 CD player - need your opinion
these are: - Teac Esoteric UX 1 and DV-50 - Linn...SCD-XA9000ES - Tag McLaren DVD-32 - Theta ...
 Review: Linn Schulte Modified CD12 CD Player
Category: Digital I just got my Linn CD12...The Linn CD12 is a CD Redbook only player and......
 Class A solid state power amp
Mt system is: Linn LP12/Origin Live RB250 SilverAnniversary... David Wise
 "New" Thorens 124 sounds great, but...
I took this tonearm and cartridge combo off of my Linn...David