Discussions 5560 has started

Audio Researh LS28, anyone heard this new preamp?7351
How would a Ayre KX-5 Twenty stack up against a Mark Levinson No 326s?21714
Magnepan 1.7i compared to older 1.7 26570
Hegel H360 comparing to seperates?1012915
Monitor Audio gold series experience14071
Refined SS Stereo pwr amps under 10K?437322
Mark Levinson 326s, an upgrade over the JC-2?30384
Mark Levinson 326s, an upgrade over the JC-2?19390
Can the Hegel H300 compare to the Ayre AX-5?47872
Can the Hegel H300 outperform the Ayre AX-5?40303
Wireworld Silver Eclipse series 7 speaker wire25630
Anyone hear the new ExaSound e22?16211
New platinum eclipse 7 really better than previos15872
Auralic Vega, no USB to spdif converter users?18390
Berkleley Audio Alpha DAC, does it hold up in 201418212