
Responses from acoustat6

My System....where to start on the upgrade path
NO, I asked you first. And you said, "I always find it intersting when another expert audiophile gives advice whose system is not setup properly. It all sounds good until the system photo is viewed."Come clean.Bob 
My System....where to start on the upgrade path
Rrog said, "I always find it intersting when another expert audiophile gives advice whose system is not setup properly. It all sounds good until the system photo is viewed."Rrog, you "talk" alot and give plenty of advice. Lets see your system.Bob 
amp clipping or low freq causing pumping speakers
Hi Audiotomb, What did Nick have to say about this?Perhaps you are just listening too loud? How loud are you listening?Bob 
Subs and the quest for bass.
Hi Nemesis, I see that you are measuring your system with the SMS. I find that this system is resolution limited, amongst a few other problems. The main problem though is the lack of ability to save graphs. You asked, "any suggestions?"May I sugge... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Tvad said, "How do you measure your room to determine if you have a flat response? I am interested to learn from your experience."Try REW at the Home Theater Shack. It is free. A Radio Shack SPL meter can be used for 20 to 2000hz, or you can go fu... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Tvad said, "I'd be very surprised if most listeners would really prefer flat room response given the opportunity to A/B the options."So you did EQ to flat and it does not sound good, I would agree with that statement. Then you said "the oppurtunit... 
Strange phenomona this hobby.
Hello, Dan-ed you said, "But with so many other hobbies you can measure in some way the improvement or degradation of a change. In this hobby you can't always find a difference using test equipment or some other empirical data. The only test you h... 
VPI Classic and ZYX 4D
Hi Stefanoo, What test LP are you refering to with the tracking test?Bob 
Subwoofer guys - House curve or flat?
Duke said, "In my opinion what you want is flattest possible in-room bass without causing problems......... Note that once boundary reinforcement and modal effects are factored in, what may have started out as "flat" response is now far from it."H... 
Woofers Gone Wild
Hi Ralph, You said you have two 15" woofers per side and that they go to 20 hz, but is not subsonic noise less than 20hz? If your speakers only go to 20 hz and fall off after that would I not be correct that you dont need a filter since there is n... 
Modernists Unite, or: saying no to room treatment
04-12-10: Drtmth58"Truth be told, both Duke and Elizabeth are among the two very most intelligent participants in this forum. They both know what they are talking about, and studiously avoid most of the meaningless jargon that is all too pervasive... 
more adjectives to help define 'fatigue' vectors?
Soundgasm said, "But I don't understand in the slightest the causes/mechanisms of it in a listening situation."Its all about room acoustics. Bad room acoustics will do thisSee this post, 
Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?
Raul said on "03-16-10: Rauliruegas""Finally I find the analog source true Reference and following/reading the Pedrillo/Travbow restlessness on how attain that cartridge quality performance yesterday Guillermo and I had a meeting on the subject an... 
Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?
Here we go again, another of Rauls posts where HE ALLREADY KNOWS THE ANSWER. He has thankfully told us early on, so we can all leave now... because, our opinions do not matter! The only thing we can hope for is that he designs a world beating cart... 
Good Sounding Speaker that Won't Attract Thieves?
Crack addicts are just like you and me. They are not looking for good looking speakers but are more interested in GREAT sound.Bob