
Responses from amal

Perfect Solution for Hi Res Mayhem
Dear Jcb,Thanks and appreciate your view. My statement on Vinyl software availability reflects the situation where I live, Middle East. Sony is very strong here and they flood the market with cheap SACD/DVD combo players and at least three major s... 
SACD Player w/Tube output & Bal out
Dear FS_Audio,Appreciate if you could let me have te following details:1. What chipset is featured in this? Is it from Crystal? and what model?2. Does it have upsampling for Red Book Cds?3. Is the laser pick up dual-discrete? (that means seperate ... 
Bi-amping ML Aerius i's.
John / Ed, Thanks guys for your help.Agreed. This is not going to be true bi-amping unless I tinker with the Aerius' to by-pass the cross-over altogether. Stargates has an adjustable negative feedback and maybe I can set it to zero to reduce the l...