

Responses from baranyi

What makes the Bloom around instruments . . .
RX8 I have heard this sound. My father played the violin and would demonstrate the difference between a good instrument and a great one. The better instrument had a glow to the sound that was irrestible. The inferior instrument would just play the... 
Jadis amps and pre-amps still competitive?
Would love to know if Jadis preamps are still competitive? 
Your feelings on vintage audio.
T-Bone...which ones? 
E V Patricians-- JBL Hartsfields- Your choice
I used to be a vintage audio collector and had both speakers until about 10 years ago. The Hartsfields were one of my favorite vintage speakers. The old style Hartsfields reminded me much of Quad ESL's on steriods! They were not bright but an amaz... 
The Hub: Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2010
Bill, Hope to see you there. Flying in very early tomorrow! Bob 
Forsell Air Reference Mk 2 Worth buying?
Andrew..many thanks for sharing your manual with me. 
Forsell Air Reference Mk 2 Worth buying?
Andrew, could you please also email me the manual? Bob 
Forsell Air Reference Mk 2 Worth buying?
Thank you for responding Kosandr. I would like to know what adjustments did you make on the air piping. I understand that this is crucial to making the turntable work correctly. Which cartridge do you use with the Forsell? Bob 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hey Dude, stay out of this thread. Just kidding with pun intended Grannyring! 
Forsell Air Reference Mk 2 Worth buying?
I am asking about the turntable which has air bearing and air linear tracking tonearm. 
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Most of the comments that precede this have be quite informative. 1. The economics of the industry are adverse to growth. I will attend the RMAF next month and hopefully meet many of you reading this thread. When I see staggering cost of most of t... 
Amp for Shahinian Diapasons
Tonyptony, Sorry about quoting the wrong model number of AVA. You did in fact say the the Ultra 550. I very much appreciate you telling me about this because it had me continually trying to figure out the problem with the CJ amp. When I looked und... 
Amp for Shahinian Diapasons
I had an interesting occurrence yesterday. I have a single CJ Evolution 2000 (used to have 3 when I had Apogee Scintillas) that I had planned on using with the Shahinians.I spoke to both the seller of the speakers and Dick Shahinian regarding whic... 
Original Plinius Sa-100 series amps for Shahinians
This is making me scratch my head a bit! Dick Shahinian Recommends the amp and many say the amps hum. My concern is that my Beveridge 2sw's also hum here in the middle of the Windy City! Concerned about the hum making a repeat performance! Bob 
Amp for Shahinian Diapasons
Simon, Thank you for your response but many factors can be at play in marring an otherwise worthy system. We have all seen this and it could have been at play during my audition of this system. I also like to think I know what music sounds like si...