

Responses from baranyi

Recommendation for vacuum tube CD-player
Lector 7mk3 which can be found in the price range used. It is far more musical than the AMR CD=77 that I had before. 
Anyone have problems w/McIntosh warranty
Why not send it back to the dealer and demand he take the piece back. If they are an authorized dealer they should know the McIntosh warranty policy. 
Reality cables or Grover Huffman
This may not be helpful but I have heard them in different systems. I was not particularly impressed with the Grover Huffman cables but I am very impressed with the Realty Cables. I happen to use the Realty Cables so there is definite bias on my p... 
Beveridge speakers-does anyone still use them?
I have brought back this old thread and my daughter who was just being born is now 3! I now have the Beveridge 2sw speakers and I really enjoy them. I was wondering if anyone could comment on the differences between this speaker and the original m... 
Beveridge 2 or 2sw Which is better?
Thanks, I will give him a call. I am really wondering about the vintage speakers but he may have some insight about these also. Bob 
Beveridge 2 or 2sw Which is better?
There must be some Beveridge enthusiasts out there! 
San Francisco area Shahinian lovers?
I wish you lived closer to Chicago! Bob 
Shahinian Diapasons-in the Midwest ?
I am willing to travel to hear these. Does anyone know of a pair of these that can be heard? Bob 
Anyone familier with Fuselier speakers?
I remember reading about them in the Absolute Sound in the early 80's. They compared well with the Thiels and Vandersteens of the time according to the article. I was just thinking that I never had such luck at any Estate sale that I have ever bee... 
the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?
Could Audiofeil and Zieman just go get a room somewhere? 
Review: Audio Valve Eklipse Tube preamp
Ted, You have the right person. It was great meeting you also Ted. I was very impressed with the SP Technology mini's at RMAF. The larger speakers (Revelations?)overpowered the room. I am hoping we can make a trip to the factory soon before winter... 
Review: Audio Valve Eklipse Tube preamp
I have heard Teajay's Eklipse and all I can say is that TJ's system has never sounded better to me. When one popped up on the Gon this week my trusted friend told me that I needed to look at this advertisment quickly. Well I have one on the way. I... 
Holographic imaging
Help - Need Preamp under 5K for Class D amps
Desalvo55, I have learned the hard way that you cannot make decisions from these forums or reviews. It is very difficult because everyone seems to listen to different types of music and has their own system interactions. I listen to a lot of class... 
Beveridge owners.what preamp do you use
I am thinking that the 2sw and the 2 would be a bit different with the ultra high voltage OTL as part of the speaker. This might dictate a bit different choice. I was also wondering if anyone has compared the difference between the model 2 and the...