

Responses from baranyi

Amp Repair Grade: F
Go to Dave Cox of Puckerbrush Audio in Norway Maine. I give Dave my highest recommendation!! Dave is an incredibly gifted technician because he is also a radio station engineer. He can fix anything and is reasonable to boot. He has restored countl... 
Might try a tube preamp
The Linear Tube MicroZotl 2 is very good and is actually only about $2,000 new with external power supply. Linear Tube has come out with a dedicated preamp which Terry London of Home Theater review has gone nuts for and is $4500. All the other pos... 
Wavac Audio amps
Do these pieces still hold up in standard to the lofty perch they used to claim (or maybe still do?)Have other amp builders like Audionote Line magnetics or others caught up with them sonically. I see they mostly compared with Kondo gear. Because ... 
Otari MTR-10 MKII
Go to the Tapeheads forum for more response 
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
Teajay, Now you need to review Alvin’s Denafrips Dacs! 
Linear Tube Audio at Axpona
Lance, thank you for your detailed report on the new preamp. When will it start shipping? 
Linear Tube Audio at Axpona
Lance,            In what ways did you find the new preamp superior? I also have the MZ2 currently.Bob 
Speakers costing range of 2500-3500 per pair
+1 Teckton Double Impacts. They are ridiculously good for the money! 
Review: HHR Exotic Speakers TLS-I Speaker
I really wish Dale would consider coming back to Axpona this year. I found his speakers to be one of the highlights of the shoe for me a few years ago when he exhibited his speakers. Their imaging was amazing and one of the only speakers that woul... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Has anyone tried the new Triple Impacts? 
Richard Shahinian
Just heard about this yesterday. My condolences to his family and a loss to the entire audio community. A true innovator and dedicated classical music expert. His designs hold up well today and I hope his son can continue with the company.  
Preamp Deal Of The Century- Update
Mick,           I used to have a Chenin which I enjoyed very much. What is cost of this new preamp?Bob 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
Whitecamaross, I hope you feel better and are able to enjoy your Thanksgiving! Thanks for your continual posts of your audiophile journey. It benefits the entire community! Take it easy hoisting those huge amps. You remind me of my dear friend Tea... 
Sadly missed manufacturers
Beveridge Audio speakers and Octave Research. Both companies made great equipment! 
Tekton Double Impacts
Thanks for everyone’s opinion. They are all valid in the mind of each poster. Really that is all that counts. There really isn’t such thing as right and wrong because we all hear differently. We all have our preferences and that makes the world a ...