

Responses from baranyi

Which DAC for $1K?Benchmark?Perpetual?????
I have been told that the Monarchy M24 is excellent. 
What's a decent, current used transport?
I am looking at used transports also. What do you think of the old PS audio Lambda as a transport? Bob 
kronzilla who listened?
I am interested to hear more about these amps also. Why is their resale value so low compared to many other amps? 
Is RAVEN TABLE that good over sme or Walker?
Is there a web link for the raven table? I really do not know about this table. Bob 
step up transformers
K-Rose, Which of the transformers did you order? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Thanks for the responses about the Burgandy. I was wondering if anyone here has heard the double Cabernet that received the rave review. Bob 
Has anyone heard the modified TRL/Sony DVP-NS900V
Thanks Lithojoe and Jebel for news about TRL's newest flagship. I really don't mind being a generation behind (that's what my kids say!) If anyone is getting rid of their battery powered TRL 900, I might be interested. Bob 
Preamp Deal of the Century
I was wondering if these new amps are supposed to be superior to the Burgandy amp that Mich used to manufacture. 
Has anyone heard the modified TRL/Sony DVP-NS900V
What is new at TRL? I still plan on getting the battery mod to the Sony 900 but I heard that they even like a Marantz Mod better. Has anyone heard it against the battery Sony? Bob 
Information on the Conrad Johnson Evolution 2000?
Electroid, the amps are very nice! I wonder what others have used for preamps with these amps. I have them playing for 6 days now and they keep getting better. Bob 
Information on the Conrad Johnson Evolution 2000?
The amps now have about 36 hours on them and they are quite rich sounding. I can't imagine how good they will sound after a week! At this point, I am a very happy camper! Bob 
Information on the Conrad Johnson Evolution 2000?
Mrtennis, I was wondering if you remember which preamp that you heard with the CJ.I have been told that it could take a week for these amps to properly reveal themselves. My pair of Evolution 2000s have only been playing for 8 hours. Before this t... 
Information on the Conrad Johnson Evolution 2000?
Plasma, I lost much gear in a divorce also. I had an entire vintage collection sold to pay attorney's fees. Who did you sell it to originally? Mr.Tennis Did you try the amp with other preamps? What speakers did you use them with? 
Does anyone know of the Sphinx Project 16
Satch, What kinds of repairs does the Sphinx project 16 have. Are these repairs with both the older and newer version of this amplifier. Bob 
Does anyone know of the Sphinx Project 16
I think that Sphinx is now out of business, At your suggestion I contacted May Audio and they have not heard from Sphinx in months and they fear the worst. Bob