

Discussions bblilikoi has started

How to Re-Terminate Ribbon Speaker Wires?11790
Bias current and plate voltage for Air Tight ATM2?41843
Review: Verbatim Cable Interconnect Interconnect116005
Bias Settings for Air Tight ATM-2 with TS 6550s60234
Art Audio VPL Mk II and VP1 Mk II45582
Air Tight ATM2 Direct Driven by CDP?1854219
Which KT88s for Cary SLI-80?872414
Review: van den Hul The Orchid Interconnect459299
Cary SLI-80: Thunk in Right Channel, then Dead19742
Cal Audio Labs CL-15451210
Powercord for PrimaLuna One27932
Modifiying PrimaLuna Prologue One32022
Which way to go? Airport Express or USB interface439611
JoLida 502b suitable for computer stereo system?36216
McIntosh Tube or SS?21882