
Responses from bbybaudio

Do I keep the Oracle Delphi IV/V?
I thank all of you for your positive responses. Had Oracle tuned up at Audio Alternative in Atlanta.Tried VPI Prime TT with 3D Printed Tonearm. Must say, IMHO VPI Prime/3D Tonearm combo sounds much better than Oracle/Morch. With that said, cartrid... 
Do I keep the Oracle Delphi IV/V?
Thank you for your comment Don_c55. There are numerous VPIs I have looked at from the Classic 3 to their new VPI Prime model with the 3D tonearm. 
Revel F208s, F52s or Nola Contenders?
THank you all for your posts. Clearly there is a bit of disagreement about Silverlines sounding "Boxy." I did hear that from a dealer. I have since moved the speakers further apart so that front baffles are 37" from back wall. THis improved bass d... 
Revel F208s, F52s or Nola Contenders?
Dweller, Thank you. I had not even heard of these speakers. However, I have listened to, and purchased for my sister, Def Tech speakers. I think if I was to look at the Bryston, I might move towards the Model T as the Middle T was specifically des... 
Revel F208s, F52s or Nola Contenders?
Thank you Nonoise, Ricred1 and Zd542. I do not for certain know that the speakers are at fault. I have contacted several dealers when asking the same question as posted here, and all stated that the Silverlines sound more "boxy" than these others.... 
Revel F208s upgrade from Silverline Sonatina IIIs?
Audiophile,Sorry I never got back to you. I bought the Pope's when they were only $150 each, and at that price, yes, definitely worth it. 
Origin live encounter/illustrious vs Morch UP-4?
Nils, thank you. I know the DP-6 is much better than the UP-4. I guess I come at this after speaking with an Oracle dealer who felt the SME V on the oracle was much better than the UP-4, but close with the DP-6. As many of the Origin live reviews ... 
Revel F208s upgrade from Silverline Sonatina IIIs?
Ricred1,Thank you for your post. I was concerned that the Snappers (100WPC Tube) may not be enough, but found a review that drove the F208s with 60WPC Tube. 
Revel F208s upgrade from Silverline Sonatina IIIs?
Schubert, thank you. I may indeed keep them. I have had them a long time and was wondering if there was something significantly better at this price point. 
Wyred. Totally wyred or can pair with Cary SLP 98
Thank you all for your comments. My information on 30 mins or more warm up time for the Snappers is from their owners manual. I also did not know that solid state, even class D amps, take longer to warm up and stabilize than tubes. I guess I will ... 
Upgrade speakers from Sonatina IIIs under $5K?
Marty,Thank you. Sounds very much like the dealer's comments comparing the two speakers. 
Best CD player under $5K?
Hi Ivan,Thanks for the heads-up on the Oppo 95. It sounds like both Absolute Audio and Stereophile believe even the unmodified Oppo may be the best bang for your buck under $5K.Don 
Best CD player under $5K?
Thanks to all of you!! I note none of you mentioned the Bryston BCD-1. 
Is Esoteric SA-10 sonically as good as DV-50 or 60
Thanks to all of you. 
Is Esoteric SA-10 sonically as good as DV-50 or 60
Will the Esoteric SA-10 sound better than my classe dac-1 cdt-t combo?