
Responses from bcollins

Subwoofer meshes well with 2-channel?
I've tried the 85Hz filters from ACI and they clearly degraded the high frequencies. A noticeable loss of detail and air. They helped in other areas such as relieving the amp from having to reproduce the lower frequencies. I guess it would depend ... 
Subwoofer: room 16 x 18.5....
Bob, Thank you for your comments. How would you rate the quality of the built in high pass filter? Do you think it would be transparent in a high resolution system? 
Subwoofer: room 16 x 18.5....
Bob,How has the SVS SB12-Plus been working for you? Do you think it compares well with some of the 10" subs in the $2000. range? (e.g. JL Audio f:110, REL, etc.) 
Harbeth compact 7es3 vs. ProAc Response 2
Eweedhome - Thanks for your comments. 
Harbeth compact 7es3 vs. ProAc Response 2
Eweedhome,How would you compare the 30's to the Spendor 1/2e's? 
Subwoofer for Harbeth M30?
Hello Kensetsu, I have the 30's as well. I think you will really like them. They are very resolving, but set up properly, they sound well balanced, clean, and neutral. In my room placement was critical though. I would suggest finding the best loca... 
McIntosh MC-60 Binding Terminals
Audioquest makes a spade that will fit, as do others. Two commonly used spades are the "Bar" and "Bar8" depending on the size wire you are going to use with them. I believe the spacing between the the two forks is 3/16". I use the Audioquest spade... 
Rel Studio Subwoofer
Which subs would you recommend that would equal the performance of the REL's for less money? Thanks,-Bill 
Surge protection for SF Line 3
With regard to the Zero Surge, Brick Wall, SurgeX, and Torus, since they all use the same technology, does any of these units stand out above the others? Or are they all the same? Do any provide power conditioning as well as surge protection? 
Subwoofer Choice
Does a separate device come with the subwoofer? Or is it built into the sub? When I checked Velodyne's web site, the instructions for downloading software updates referenced the need for a windows based computer. I wouldn't be purchasing the stand... 
Subwoofer Choice
Is the Velodyne software compatible with Macintosh computers, or only Windows based systems?Also, I read somewhere that the newest version of the Velodyne software does not permit crossovers lower than 40Hz. Is this true? 
Subwoofer Choice
Thanks Bob. 
Subwoofer Choice
Thank you Bob. Can you explain why the 10" sub would not be appropriate with the Harbeth M30's? My room is only 10'X14' with a ceiling height of about 7'. Or is it unrelated to room size? 
Subwoofer Choice
Thanks everyone. I have three questions though.1. Is the high pass filter of good quality in the Velodyne?2. Can the Velodyne be hooked up in the same way as the REL by running speaker level signal from the amp to the sub?3. Of the options offered... 
Midrange Better Than Harbeth or Spendor?
Eweedhome - Thank you for all of the info. Will try and give the 30's another listen, hopefully at home. If I have any more questions, I'll shoot you an email.-Bill