
Responses from bobvin

dCS Rossini vs. Berkeley Reference dac 2
Aldenberry,  while not directly related to this thread, you mentioned comparing Lynn Klimax DS3 to dCS Rossini. What was your take away? I also deal with Definitive up in Seattle. 
Anyone Used REW-Room EQ Wizard?
Revive an old thread... I have a computer feeding a DAC feeding a preamp feeding a power amp feeding the speakers. I have a new USB microphone and loaded Room EQ Wizard. I typically use JRiver to deliver FLAC files to my DAC. With REW loaded, it s... 
What tonearm to replace Satisfy on Performance SE?
Manitunc, thanks for the nod to the Audiomods arm. There is apparently a dealer in the Seattle area. I'll have to check 'em out. 
What tonearm to replace Satisfy on Performance SE?
Thanks Drubin, I was hoping to gain some knowledge from the folks here before pinging Jay. I don't want to take the time of a retailer when I am at this point just beginning to learn about options and feasibility. 
And how do you feel about the PH-8 now that several months have passed? 
Looking for Quiet External HD...
Samsung used to be king of the quite HD, now many Western Digital match in terms of dB. Samsung more thud, thud, thud when the drive is seeking, vs. Western Digital kinda sounds like rattling chains when in seek mode. Western Digital drives have i... 
Has anyone yet heard the Wilson Sophia 3 ?
Thewho, what other speakers did you audition before the Sophia 3s? What ultimately led you to choose the Wilsons? 
Finding Pure Water for Record Cleaning - very long
I just stumbled on this thread. My company sells a hybrid reverse osmosis/deionization system for home drinking water purification and this is what I also use to rinse my records. You can really tell when the soap is gone because the water will be... 
Buy tubes from Audio Research or not
My recent experience with non-ARC purchased tubes... I bought a used REF110 last summer. I then ordered a matched "octet" from Upscale Audio which I, foolishly, put aside in storage until I chose to retube in February. Well, the octet was not well... 
Any info on the new Audio Research VS115 tube amp?
My amp now is nearing 1000 hours... I decided that would be an appropriate amount of time to have elapsed and decided to check the bias. At first, I too was a little confused about the test points and adjusting screws, but it became obvious after ... 
REF3 with VS115
Hey Jotra, by all means the REF 3 will enhance what you hear from the VS-115. Many posts comment the REF 3 is one of the very finest, if not the finest, pre-amp made. I have the LS-26 / VS-115 combo, and I got the LS-26 before the VS-115 and put i... 
Any info on the new Audio Research VS115 tube amp?
Cuwatch1, my VS115 has just crossed 300 hours... and I assume you are asking about the overall sound quality vs tube life (per Soundoc)? I'm just returned to the high end, so don't have the vocabulary or recent experience of owning other high end ... 
Advice needed building a system over time???
As an update, room treatment moved lower in priority due to need to shuffle things around the house. Bonus room was the gym, so the gym stuff needs to move to spare bedrooms - and the bedroom stuff has to be sold off. In the meantime I've acquired... 
Audio Research Source - CD3 mkII, CD5
For Dave Mitchell: I've also heard a rumor there is a new DAC in the works. Have you heard anything? 
audio research sells out good or bad ?
My wife, who is an executive at a major bank, very quickly pointed out the sale to an investment firm is not necessarily a bad thing. Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffet) is a good example of investment firm that very, very carefully chooses good co...