
Responses from branislav

Two and a half hour audition of the Raidho C1.1
Do you have a Lindeman B10 on your list to audition? 
What else sounds like Kubala Sosna?
There's a pair of Emotion's available now for $2400. 
Two and a half hour audition of the Raidho C1.1
Thank you for sharing your impressions with us. 
Suggestions for a tube integrated under $3000
Vincent V-60 now available on AG. 
Review: Blue Circle BC509 DA converter
So which one do you have, 509 or 507? 
How are Hig-End Speakers Priced?
Eldartford, makes you wonder how many high end manufacturers are using the same tacktics? 
speakers for low level listening
My Volent VL-2 is great at low volume... 
Lampizator DAC
I wasn't too crazy about it...2 things that come to mind is lack of soundstage depth and it is a bit upfront sounding so system matching is important, as always. The rest of the audiophile checklist was fine, but I couldn't get over the relatively... 
Here's Branislav...would welcome meeting some local audiofans as 
Raidho C1.1
I think I found your email...I'll send you one and if it's yours, just respond... 
Raidho C1.1
I don't even know how to send a private message on this website anymore... 
Raidho C1.1
I sure hope so :-) 
Raidho C1.1
Dallas/Fort Worth...are you in Houston area? 
Raidho C1.1
Dracule1, I live in Texas and I should have Cirrus speaker here fairly soon. 
Driving YG Carmel's
Stringreen, I'm with you on this one...