
Responses from bubinga

The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
HI all,Here's what I've learned in my brief foray on this site.First, after having used the new mat for over two weeks, I can say that it has clearly increased my systems performance and my ability to further enjoy the music. I highly recommend th... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Rest assured I am not your buddy. All the disparaging remarks you have made clearly infer you have not listened to the product?Have you or have you not heard the product?And assuming you have not, why have you chosen to post on this thread in the ... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Geo,Of course he does.Just like he knows what an audio product sounds like without listening to it. 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
I just received an e-mail from a poster on this thread.It was condescending and insulting. I have blocked him from sending me another e-mail.This does raise an interesting issue about this site and its Discussion Forum.If one has something to say ... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Audiofeil,Actually it's sad that you don't understand the concept (musicality) assuming you enjoy listening to music. 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Cooper,Don't beat yourself up over this.As I said in a previous post, some people feel the need to post negative comments although they have absolutely no basis for doing so.Sounds a bit like politics? The blind leading the blind or perhaps other ... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Budt,You may see it as fanatical. I see it as trying products that clearly demonstrate a clear value from a cost / performance perspective.As I've said previously, if you haven't heard it, your comments are meaningless.GG 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Audiofeil,FWIW, and for better or worse, the $200 cost for this mat is so insignificant to the overall cost of my current system. I suspect that the same is true for many others from a proportional dollar perspective.Money has nothing to do with i... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Hi Ps,What affronts me are people making unsubstantiated, meaningless comments on a device that they have never heard.It's similar to a blind person describing, from a visual perspective, a sunset.To those who believe in the "placebo" effect, my s... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Hi Branislav,I don't get the fact that people, who have not heard a product, seem to think they can comment on its pros and cons.It's totally uniformed and meaningless.Perhaps they have a self esteem problem and want to pick a fight so they can ma... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
So here's my take.I would never start a thread on this site.Here we have Cooper, who wanted to make folks aware (in a well intentioned manner)of a product that may help others increase the performance of their respective system. Seems simple and s... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
I think it's a moot but it depends on your accent. 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Is it made by angels and blessed by the Pope?GG 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Xavier,I did try it with my cat (Abyssian) but she would not sit still long enough to perform a valid A / B test. Also had the issue of getting cat hair in the laser mechanism.I did like the improvement with my dog (brittany spaniel) because he wa... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Hi Coop,One thing I may have not emphasized enough. I believe that the benefits of the mat (and the ability to hear the increased musicality thereof) are linear to the resolving power of the system.That's why I recommend a "test drive" to determin...