

Responses from carey1110

Comparable to IRS Beta
Are you happy with the Magnapan’s. Do the give you a similar soundstage to the Infinity  
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably?
Rowland Model 5.  Still enjoy many late night hours with this amp. Also still have a couple of Eagle 2a, Acoustat TNT 200 and a Hafler XL280. Fell in love the CJ gear the Premier 4 on my Infinity RS 2bs the later the RS 1bs.  However that Rowland ... 
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
Spectral 30ss series 2. I Still like many tube preamps but not as my main system. once I went to the all Spectral system I couldn't go back. I tried a couple times but preferred the Spectral over my ARC Ref 5SE, TRL Dude, Cat SL-1 ultimate, Shindo... 
Spectral DMC 20 phono with DMC 30 SS series 2 ?
As far as comparing the two preamps. Well I wouldn't want to do without either one right now.. The DMC 20 S2 has a great phono but the Line stage is not near as transparent as the DMC 30 SS S2. However the 20 is no slouch and if I had to pick one,... 
Spectral DMC 20 phono with DMC 30 SS series 2 ?
Thanks Bill, just wanted to be sure. anyone doing it any other way? 
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
Spectral does it for me. However it must be a complete system. I have enjoyed full tube system for decades until I finally broke down and did the whole Spectral/ MIT system. Really enjoy it, especially with analog. 
Bad news for audiophiles?
Ok so what's this got to do with audio? Basic psych. Most of of know these principals. There are many ways to fool the public into making bad choices. Ha! Look at our government. Ut oh that did it huh? However this principal does apply. On more th... 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
Trying to rate an improvement in terms of percentage is very subjective. If I'm listening to an amp that for some reason draws attention to itself, and the upgrade completely removes it then I may say wow that's a 100% better. In the case of my Re... 
Audio Research 75 SE
It does appear that the wires from the ICs to the circuit board have been replaced with different ones, 
Ref-75-SE delivered ...
About $1100 more than the Ref 75. 
Audio Research 75 SE
the top cover is the same but there is more room above the tubes.. Calvin said they were lowering the board I believe..He said it would be identical the the new ones being produced. Mine was less than 4 months old when I sent it in. 
Audio Research 75 SE
The amp was done in about a week..But I waited another week for the SE badges to come in.. Expect a week to 10 days I'd say. 
Audio Research 75 SE
Sounds great!! I've been meaning to go to dinner but I'm having a hard time pulling myself away..This is just what I needed:-) No regrets here. Just one more cut then I have to go, Ha! 
Audio Research 75 SE
Well I sent my Ref 75 back for the upgrade and just got it back today.. Its been on for two hours and I have to say I really like it much better than before. I used the KT 150 for a couple months before sending in for the upgrade( shh! Don't tell ... 
Audio Research 75 SE
Great!! Should be interesting.