
Responses from cford

Integrated amp, best conversion 220 to 110 volts?
Just because all of the wires are used, doesn't mean it isn't convertable. A transformer designed for both 110 and 220V operation will have 2 primary windings. When wired for 220, the 2 primaries are in series and when used for 110, they are in pa... 
Hum issue - driving me more crazy
Yea, I think that Sat systems run DC power through the cable along with the signal. Any transformer in the path would block the DC and my saturate the core due to the DC, making it act like a short circuit. 
can mundorf supreme caps be used for AC filtering
According to UL and other safety standards, on an AC power line you can only use "X" safety rated caps from line to line and only "Y" rated caps line to ground. Any other caps can be a fire or shock hazard and insurance companys would not cover th... 
nonshielded magnet / speaker
The speaker magnet could affect any inductors/coils making their performance non-linear and causing distortion. It depends on many specifics (such as what type on inductor, how it is oriented, how far from the magnet, how strong is the magnetic fi... 
Bridging my power amp
Bridging an amp doubles the avaliable voltage that can be supplied to the speaker but does not increase the current. If driving high impedance speakers, then the power is x4. If driving low impedance speakers and you are already going up to the am... 
Do the Isolation Transformers protect system
Isolation transformers can do some surge protection. As the input V increases, there will be more and more magnetic flux in the iron until the iron saturate at which point the coupling between input and output gets very poor and the output will no... 
VR-4jr spike upgrade
I'm not sure I understand what you are saying about the spikes. My speakers need a 3/8-16 thread for the spikes and when I checked Parts Express, they didn't have any that would fit. Are you saying that I actually need a metric thread spike and wh... 
speakers to go with Musical Fidelity a5.5 amp
i have a Musical Fidelity A308 and it works well with my VR4jrs in an 18 x 18+ x 10 room 
Hooking up two Topaz Isolation trans. in series?
Plugging 1 into another will not give you more current. The only way to get "more" current is to use 1 transformer for 1/2 of the gaer and the other transfomer for the other 1/2 of the gear. If you have a hum problem, while using these isolation ... 
Anyone using the Transistor Research LabsM 225's
Who is Transistor Research Labs? I can't find them on the web or in Audiogon's Manufacturer list.Thanks 
House Wiring Defect?
It might mean that the hot and neutral may be flipped one 1 of the outlets, so I would check it. 
Converting a passive 3-way crossover to active
I assume that you know that an active crossover is inserted before the power amp and therefore you will need 3 amps per speaker. 
System to system
No, the unpowered/not used amp would load down the powered amp and depending on the circuit could actually damage it. 
OpAmp Swap?
They are not pin to pin compatible, the OPA2604 (not Chinese but made by Burr Brown not owned by Texas Inst.) is a dual (2 op-amp in the IC) and the OPA627 is a single. 
Class A, AB
Example to explain:Class A: If amp peak current is 10A then with no signal all 10A flows thru the + rail transistors also the - rail transistors and none thru the speakers. At half power 5A flows thru the speakers and 5A flows thru 1 of the transi...