
Responses from chenglo1

Levinson 331 leaking black tarry material
Thanks for all the help guys. Ill post again once figured out. Teo_audio, i appreciate the detsiled response which makes sense. Ill also email Levinson to see if any of the veterans are still there.  
Levinson 331 leaking black tarry material
Sorry my photobucket acct doesnt exist anymore. Is there any other way to upload pics to this forum?  Its been a while since i last posted a thread. 
Levinson 331 leaking black tarry material
Dweller, room temp about 70 to 74F and 30 to 45pct humidity. Im betting its power teansformer tar then because it sure feels like it! Feels like the tar tgat gets on ur car and tough to wash off! I got some on my fingers.Caps were all replaced by ... 
amp stands on wheels
Ive got carpet.  Just heard from Paul at Adona.  I may get a pair of his GX1 amp stands as theyll match my other Adona racks.  He has both casters and spikes that i can use. Ill probably buy both options.  This allow me to use casters to get amps ... 
Bryston vs MBL
Just wanted to update you all.  I bought a pair of Pass XA200.5 second hand off Agon.  Thanks for all your input. 
Pass Labs amps questions
Well fellas, thanks for all your input. I settled on a pair of XA200.5 off our host site here. After reading the reviews out on the web and opinions on the forums, i’m confident it will be a worthwhile investment. Not to mention that it should be ... 
Bryston vs MBL
With reference to tubes, i decided to go with SS for now.  If i were to venture into tubes for amps, i would be looking at AR 250 monos to team up with the 5SE. 
Bryston vs MBL
MB1, Your point about the Pass 40 vs Krell is well taken! I plugged in my Krell 250 in place of the Levinson and the extra 300 watts at 4ohms was negligent.  Sound was tinny and lifeless with the Krell with the additional wattage that it supposedl... 
Bryston vs MBL
Thanks everyone.  IIm going to do more resarch but its tough to find this level of equipment to bring in for demo in ones own home.  Therefore have to base purchase on reviews.  For now, i think the Brystons are best bang for the buck. Pass Xa 200... 
Bryston vs MBL
Kalai,  I also consider Pass monos.  Bryston appealed more due to power for dollar, warranty and still have decent looks.  MBL more for curiosity and supposedly high end exotic level amps.  just really want to hear how they would sound in my syste... 
ARC ref 210 vs ref 150
Sounds like the 150 is the way to go vs 210 monoblocks. I just thought 2 amps for price of 1 plus more power. 
Opinions on Rowland 302 vs musical fidelity m8 700
GuidoMy spkrs are Dynaudio Confidence C4. Sensitivity is 89 db with impedance at 4 ohms. If i recall correctly the recommended power is 400 watts. I would like to get an amp in the 300 watt rms or higher. I like the warmth of tube amps and hoping ... 
Opinions on Rowland 302 vs musical fidelity m8 700
Thanks for the input guys. Sounds like i may steer away from 302 for now. My budget is somewhat open. Im also considering the Boulder 1060 which is slightly over my budget at this time. 
Primaluna DiaLogue Premium preamp
I know there's a lot discussed already but boy do i wish they would have made a balanced version. 
ARC Ref 75 vs REF 150
Sorry. Speakers are Dynaudio Confidence C4.