
Responses from chris_launder

High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Ddraught , wow , all UR series , I haven't gone to that stage yet , just a mixture of CT1 & CT1E's , I would be divorced if I bought UR series before a new car and kitchen ........ In my system ( VPI TNT & VPI arm , Clearaudio cartridge , ... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
@Tbg , if that combo works , then enjoy . I bet you have some great views from your listening room . Inexpensive speakers connected to some great stuff downstream can really sing , I've had the experience myself . During one of my ' lets simplify ... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
I have been following this thread almost since inception but don't believe I have chimed in as yet . I think my 1st venture into cables was some Tocord speaker cable in the late 70's , progressing through early Monster cable , Audio Research Litzw... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Has anybody run the High Fidelity Speaker cables with Wilson speakers ? I'm running my CT1's with Sasha series one and it sounds quite satisfactory , thinking about auditioning the CT1E's . 
Wanting to simplify my system ......
Thankyou everybody for your responses , I think I need to carefully consider everything in your posts , Regards . 
Wanting to simplify my system ......
@Georgelofi ,Hi George , thankyou for your informative response , I am going to try and get a home audition so will see how I go , I do agree with Zd542 that perhaps I may miss some of that ' tube magic ' but wether this is actually a quality drop... 
Speaker for my Ampzilla Amp and Pre-Amp
Back in my Ampzilla days , ( I bought one new ) it sounded really nice with Maggies , but maybe not suited to your music tastes ....... 
Wilson Audio Sasha break-in time ?
I nave been told they fully bloom around 400 hours ..... 
Amp/Preamp combo for Wilson Sophia 3's
Hi Bo ,An interesting thread and I agree that earlier versions of some Wilson speakers could tend towards being a bit ruthless , if that is the correct terminology . However , recent products , especially the Sophia 2's & 3's , seem to have us... 
Heads Up: ARC is introducing the new SP-20 in Fall
@Bifwynne , no , they were not electrostats , they were planar , emits & emims ( electromagnetic induction midrange / tweeter ) & yes , they were spectacular . The Boss' Born to Run played at high volume through a pair of RS1's was a joy t... 
Wilson Audio Sophia spike options
The Herbie's are back in place , I can hear some slight differences but to be honest , I can't pinpoint what they are , but my wife thinks the Herbie's look more cosmo than the stock items , so that's final . 
Heads Up: ARC is introducing the new SP-20 in Fall
I remember back in the Golden Era of hifi that ARC used Infinity RS1's and the Infinity IRS , myself , I used to own a pair of Infinity RS2b's . Although I have no doubt that the Wilson's are a step forward I really look back with fond memories of... 
Heads Up: ARC is introducing the new SP-20 in Fall
As far as I am aware , the companies in the Fine Sounds group are operating totally independently so it will be interesting to see if this turns out to be the case . As for myself , I would be tempted to rationalise my Ph5 and LS27 into an SP 20 i... 
Wilson Audio Sophia spike options
@Rhyno , haven't had a chance to sit down and have a proper listen but will advise when i do ... 
Wilson Audio Sophia spike options
Oh , ok , I went and removed my Herbie's gliders and replaced them with the stock ones but my wife like the look of the Herbies , happy wife , happy life .... Cheers .