
Responses from chubaka

Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
What are rails and what to they do 
Best balanced linestage/preamp for $4000 or less ???
What is the price of the liberty audio preamp 
Looking to upgrade amp, need help.
parasound makes a great quality product  
Can upgraded power cords help my setup?
Cullen cables is also a small custom company the does high quality work 
Apartment Dweller's Paradise - The Ideal 2 ch. system?
Parasound makes some nice equipment  
Power cable
Cullen cables he makes them by hand at great price points they are well made and make a difference and he can make them any length you want you should google him and read it might be what you are looking for 
Jeff Rowland to what?
Pbn audio 
Halo a-21 and p-5
Why not dual mono 
I have now listened to my restored, recapped and serviced NAD 3020 and..........
What all did they do exactly 
Please Help Me Choose a Speaker Cable
I would go to the black cat cable website and read up on those the guy hand makes them and is a master cable designer 
Up to $4500 burning a hole in my pocket
I would go to the Montana audio site and check them out they are truly world class speakers  
Linn lip-12
Theo where did u get your cover? 
Help me decide on new amp please
Another good choice to look into would be the liberty audio preamp 
Recommend a Cable/Interconnect Set
You should look at black cat cables 
Exotic vocal