
Responses from clabe

Silver MC step-up
Thanks for Your response.John, I have 1931 copper.My system is all tube exceptCD player (Meridian).All cables silver.I will look at k&k asylumum.Many Thanks! 
Anyone heard of Silvercore SUT:s
I´ve now listened to Silvercore One-Five for over 100 hours.Frankly it´s not what I hoped for, should have listened to Christof the manufacturer in stead of my greed.Due to inherent quality of phono/cartridge he recommended the more expensive MC P... 
Anyone heard of Silvercore SUT:s
Hi! I got Silvercore with 1:5 gain för AirTight PC1 yesterday.The sound nice and detailed straight out of box.Christof recommend minimum 40 hours before soundingdynamic and organic. Find it dynamic already but a littledry. Looking forward to prese... 
Anyone heard of Silvercore SUT:s
Hi Jonatan!Appreciate your service, wish I had that level in Sweden where I live.Many Thanks! 
Anyone heard of Silvercore SUT:s
Thanks!First I will listen on Silvercore "one to ten" custom made for AirTight PC-1 cartridge (one to five) to fit for ARC PH8 phonostage with 58 dB, I just ordered.Afterwards I´ll se if I upgrade.Thanks again for your important information. 
Anyone heard of Silvercore SUT:s
Hi Swordfis!Interesting "naked", can you order without case or what do you mean.Thinking about getting the smallest "one to ten"with copper coil and when budget allows getting one of pros.Any experience with "one to ten"?Many Thanks! 
Anyone heard of Silvercore SUT:s
Thanks Swordfis!Was it MC Pro (~4000$) or Studio Pro (~2300$)I´ve considering Studio Pro for AirTight PC-1, when my budget allows. 
Coil metal for Lyra Erodion MC step-up ?
Hello!Thanks for your response.Yes, I'm using the kombo now.Kompared to my previous Jadis DPMCwhich had a gain over 60db, you have to 3-4 foldvolume on PH-8. It sounds ok but a hazzlewhen switching channels.Would be nice to hear someones opinionwi... 
Valvet A3.5 Block with Merlin VSM ?
Hi Cruz123!I´ve got a quad of SED´s from Tyler & Chelsea at TC Tubes.I must say I had preconcieved conceptions before listening to these tubes. These are wonderful tubes and definitely worth their price. Sound started to really bloom after abo... 
Valvet A3.5 Block with Merlin VSM ?
Hi Guys!The SED´s have to be on my list.Many thanks! 
Valvet A3.5 Block with Merlin VSM ?
Hi Cruz!I´m sure there are good new productions out there.Unfortunately I don´t have opportunity to test free at home. I could do some tuberolling but its going to be expensive if I have to try a lot. I´m interested in EL34 and would like to limit... 
Silver wiring for interconnects
Hi Manoterror and others!I´ve got the IC´s assembled from Neotech yesterday. Been running constant for about 14 hours. Immediate impression was midrange blurry (like a curtain in front), now it "opened up" and sound is clearer. I use 20 awg for ea... 
Silver wiring for interconnects
Hi Manoterror!I will but first I would like to ask the "audience" if any of You out there has recommendation of proper wire gauge for interconnects. I believe the bigger the signal the bigger the diameter. Therefore interconnect has smaller diamet... 
Silver wiring for interconnects
Hi Manterror!I also believe in silver nowdays, believe production methods has improved over past years. Purity of material, OOC-method in keeping boundaries of electrons passing through to a minimum I would like to belive has a positive effect and... 
Silver wiring for interconnects
Hi Face!I´ll take that into consideration.These silver cables are wonderful in my Merlins, so relaxed and natural sounding, no fatigue whatsoever.Sound gets better as time goes, I read 200-400 hours before fully "burnt in". Just passed 170 hours.M...