
Responses from clivet

Hanss turntables
Check out the 2009 Munich show report on Stereotimes.The Audio consulting room was voted best sound.They were demoing Jean Hiraga electronics with a Hanss acoustics Turntable.Hopefully I can get to hear one of the tables at an audio show.They look... 
Quad 2905 versus Quad 2805 plus subwoofer
I have been a Quad user for a long time(988 at present)and I plan on moving up to the 2905.I will also use them in a bigger room.From my experence,I prefer to use subwoofers(pair)with all Quads.The 2905 has very good bass but adding the proper pai... 
QUAD 2905 . humidity and reliability
You need to use them in an air conditioned room.My last pair lasted 12 years before rebuild.I have heard Dynamic speakers in the over $50 grand price range and none of them have the accuracy and precision like the Quads.The only thing that can com... 
The best CD Player for the money
Look into the Dynavox by Dynaststion(distributed by Avatar Acoustics).Its the player I use.It can go toe to toe with the DCS gear. 
Personal turntable/cartridge evolution
I now use the Magic Diamond cartridge(purchased from freakyvynil.I guess he is the main man for this cartridge).The best cartridge I ever heard.This cartridge will let you see what the microphone sees.It will tell you if the recording is lean or f... 
Any reccomendations for amplifiers for my Quad 988
I have been a quad owner for over 20 years and I now own the 988's.Even if I win the lottery today,Quads will always be the one and only reference for me.I have used many different tube amps,including single-ended and Otl's but I have found that t... 
Best cable for Quad 988?
I use Quad 988's and the best cables I have used on them so far is the Virtual Dynamics master limited edition.Before I used,Harmonix cables,a different presentation than the Virtual but still a true reference cable.I was'nt impressed with Nordost... 
Musical Subwoofer for 2 Channel System BUT....
I use the Karan Kai-180 to drive my Quad 988's with a pair of Rega Vulcan subwoofers.The subs hook up similiar to the Rels(speakon connectors that take the signal from the Karan binding post).I feel that this is the best way to hook up subs. 
Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?
I would have to say,KARAN ACOUSTICS.The KAI-180 replaced my CAT ULTIMATE MK3/ART AUDIO JOTA SINGLE ENDED combo.Fantastic sound. 
Seeking $15,000.00 speaker to replace Quad 988's
Your choice of electronics could be improved.To be fair the only conventional speakers I would recomend would be the Ashendo from Germany and some of the Harbeths and Rodgers from the Uk.You could even double stack or tripple stack Quad esl 57's(c... 
Seeking $15,000.00 speaker to replace Quad 988's
I have worked for one of the best audio dealerships in NEW YORK and I had the chance to listen to speakers up to $120,000.the pair.I feel that the Quads do lots of things better.WITH proper set up and good tube electronics they will get you closer... 
Best subwoofer for Quad 988?
I get excellent results with a pair of Rega vulcans(the drivers are small so this means speed).They are based on the REL subwoofers set up(speakon connectors),no roll off,the main speaker and the subs work together.This may sound strange,but I bel... 
Quad 988 in 15' x 12' room
You wont believe it,I use my 988's in a room 12'x12'and I get state of the art sound.I have them on sound anchor stands(custom made)12"high,backed up by a pair of Rega vulcan subwoofers(speakon connectors).I also use a Asc tube traps in the corner...