

Discussions coachpoconnor has started

Phono preamp/cartridge recommendations2752
Help with random noise!3225
Buying my 1st new LP in 42 years..Suggestions?89421
Schiit Bifrost vs. the original Peachtree Dac-it84723
My Wyrd Schiit review4992
Is the Music Hall MMF 2.2 a good table for an entry level table?60515
Anyone have experience with a Schiit Wyrd decrapifier?5168
Help with a gift Vinyl Collection and Onkyo CP-1280F Turntable4796
Stranded vs Solid Copper163827
Schiit Saga which tubes to order?160626
Passive or Active Pre- Amp for Nuforce STA2008616
Music Hall a70.2 Anyone heard? Opinions4940
Scott LK-72 Integrated Amplifier worth restoring? 5337
Best SS amp choice for Zu Omen190136
Zu Speakers upgrade8788