
Responses from davidbigeye

cooling my Krell monoblocks
Yeah my Evo600s click all the time from the thermal expansion, bloody annoying. Why don't they just make the case a fraction bigger? 
Krell processor up grade for audio stereo .
I also had the Showcase and the 803Ds. upgrading to the Evo222 made a slight but worthwhile difference. However, upgrading the speakers made a much larger and better difference...spend the money on better speakers. 
which preamp match best with Krell Evo 402 ?
I concur on the Evo222. I have one with the Evo600s and it's great, particularly in cast mode. 
Top two channel pre w/HT passthrough XLR best
I have the Krell Evo222 in a primary 2 channel setup but with secondary HT duties, just as you do. It works great and sounds even better, it is a fantastic pre. Give it a demo if possible... 
Best Integrated Amp? Help...
Maybe try the Krell 400xi.Lots of power and sounds great. 
Bi-Amping question...
If I understand what you want to do correctly, you will have a full range signal going to your bass drivers via the Krell, and also a full range signal going to your mids/highs. If this is the case, you will need to preserve the passive crossover ... 
speakers for classical music
David,If you like to drive speakers loud and particuarly realistic dynamics/spl then this is generally what happens. Go horns or pro speakers would be my suggestion. Consumer designs generally are never required nor do they claim to reproduce real... 
In your opinion, what is Hi, Medium and Low end?
I think the definition changes as you enter and travel along the hifi path. When I first started I thought my humble, low cost system was bloody great and truly hi-end! Of course, as I travelled down the hifi path, and ultimately, the upgrade path... 
Amp for Dynaudio C4
Anything Krell Evo. Great combo! 
speakers for classical music
I am now totally off B&W speakers, because I kept destroying them! I had the 803D. However, for classical music they were very, very good. The catch is...you need a bit of volume to get them going, but too much power and the crossovers fail!Ov... 
Krell kav-400xi with show case dvd or dvd standad?
I have the 400xi and the Showcase DVD and they sound great together. Never had the Standard, so can't comment there...For a smaller system, i would get the Showcase and spend the savings elsewhere...David. 
Lamm M2.2 instead Krell EVO 302
I had the 803D, and I also trialed the 802D at home for a while. At the time I had the Krell 400xi, but I got the Evo600 monoblocks soon after.The B&W needs lots of power, ie. volume, to sound any good. I think the crossover sucks the power up... 
what power amplifier are really punchy
Krell. And choose your speakers at the same time! 
Repair question for Audio Note CD-2
Try an outboard DAC if you can...I had the same problem once, and found that an outboard dac fixed the problem, so obviously the dac inside the CD player was the problem. 
Norah Jones a tinge short
Hi Max,Thined and tinned.....I agree! This CD sounds awful, the recording engineer needs *&^%ing....