
Responses from dbtrucks

Allnic Synergy
HyvoltageThe L1500's transformer coupled output's very low impedance (150 ohms) assures a good marriage of most amplifiers whether the design be solid state or vacuum tube. Considering the 87dB efficiency of the 801's, a decent solid state amp suc... 
PurePowerAPS Canada concern
I have been awaiting a refund for a 2000 returned to Pure Power, Ayre, Ontario March 2012. I have repeatedly been lied to, promised immediate compensation, and sent wrong amount cheques drawn on a US account which is worthless to me. I am located ... 
Review: ALLNIC HT 2500 Head Amplifier Nuvistor Tube preamp
Carl. Glad you enjoy the Allnic Head Amplifier. Just an update for the readers. The HT2500 will be marketed as HA3000 in January 2010. The L4000 Line Stage at the same time will be rebadged L3000. This has been instituted for easier product line i... 
Review: Allnic H 3000 phono preamplifier Tube preamp
A wonderful well written and articulate review Carl!I would like to update you and the readers with the gain levels of transformer inputs . Instead of the 10,20,26 and 30dB gain levels illustrated, the actual transformer gains are 20, 24, 26 and 3... 
Buzz/hum from amps, NOT from speakers
Try disconnecting your cable input to your TV . If that's the culprit , your local cable guy can install a reducer .Best of luck 
Edge M8M vs NuForce
Bill. Earlier this year I had owned the Edge M8M with a pair of Wilson Sophia's and the Nuforce 9.02's . The Edge is a sonically pure amp (after lot's of warmup) and worked well with a bevy of Linestages that I sampled such as the ARC Ref2 , the L... 
Import to Canada from USA
NUGUYSadly this is the case . GST must be paid on any product imported . Be careful to have shipper exclude the cost of freight from the selling declared price or you shall be paying GST on that as well .Off make products made in some countries co... 
Proceed AMP5 in protective mode
This is a follow up with a great ending . After taking the amp to my local Levinson dealer , the tech pulled the control board and reinstalled . The problem was found to be a cold solder connection . It's been home a month now and working 100% 
Proceed AMP5 in protective mode
Roofus , Jp1208I too have an Amp 5 with identical problems .I did the same thing (removed all cabling), it will power up without going into protection mode but as soon as I reinstall the cabling , it will not go into a standby mode .Fearing it was... 
I want to change from 2 channel to HT but what....
I just put together a system for my son using a Proceed AVP2 and a Marantz 5 channel 9000 . Sounds great , the Proceed is extremely intuitive for menus and set-up and the Marantz runs 150 per channel. The total investment buying preowned was about... 
Audio Research vt100mkll question
Just a word of wise. The VT100 Mk 2 requires a 2 stage bias set up. You must bias the 6922's prior to inserting the 6550's and then set up final bias. Leonard will be able to send you the biasing imformation which does not come with the original m... 
Used Pre-amp advise please....
My experiences with the SFL2 have been extremely happy ones. It does so many things right and seems to synergize well with many amps. The build quality reeks of class , just plug and play !As Sogood points out, 1000 is optimistic...these units sta... 
audio research or wife
honestly thanksI forgot i made this silly intro you menthanks 
Teac VRDS 10
I previously owned the 10. Ran as a stand alone player , you can drive straight into amp, or as a transport. As a transport this is excellent value. The sucker weighs 28 lbs and is also nice to look at. For 500 its kinda a no brainer . Good luck 
Problem on Sonic Frontiers Line 3
Very interested in your opinions. I step on my wires to Hammy. I bought an excellent sfl2 from sutts on gon. He owns a 3 and does he know sonic frontiers .... he lives a stone throw from sonic and parts connexion.