
Responses from decibell

Audio Desk Systeme - Vinyl Cleaner – Repair of Water Pump Failure
noromance - ok, my "repair investment". I still have my machine and am intending to use it for many years to come. Boxing the unit up, bringing it to FedEx, paying for shipping and for an out of warranty repair is the comparison I tried to make. 
Audio Desk Systeme - Vinyl Cleaner – Repair of Water Pump Failure
jwpstayman - Lucky you! That is quite a different story from what I read about others having to pay $800 plus $100 intl. shipping for an out of warranty repair. I bought my machine in Germany 6 years ago for $1600. Today's list price in the US is ... 
Audio Desk Systeme - Vinyl Cleaner – Repair of Water Pump Failure
@elizabeth I did not talk to them and have no idea if they have plans to change the design. 
Audio Desk Systeme - Vinyl Cleaner – Repair of Water Pump Failure
@dgarretson I bought the Vinyl Cleaner a few years ago in German - at an amazing price. And since I exported it I did not pay the 19 % VAT. It worked great without any hick ups for about 1400 records. It's the best thing since they invented chocol... 
In search for speakers of "natural" sound
Did you read Arthur Salvatore's review of his reference speakers "Pure Reference" from Coincident? To my ears these are among the most natural sounding speakers I have ever heard. 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
Why are you going for just 90 %? You can outperform those so called "super cables" with DIY cables at a fraction of their cost! I did extensive tests and comparisons with different DIY designs. My reference was Kimber's top of the line KS-1036 and... 
Best cartridge under $1500.
One more vote for Audio Technica’s ART9! It is an Air Tight PC-Supreme on steroids! And you DO need diapers when you listen to it for the first time! PLUS - it does not collaps every other record, like the Supreme does. I had my Supreme repaired/r... 
Best DIY power cable. Why not make?
For hot and neutral use solid core silver (the larger the better) in cotton sleeve with shrink tubing on outside. Use solid core copper (one or two sizes larger than silver). Silver coated plugs from wattgate. I was a skeptic as well until I tried... 
Audioquest Perfect Surface Metals
Before you spend more crazy money on interconnects with fantasy ingredients try the following - I promise, it will blow you away!- 16 gauge round dead soft pure silver wire from Use only ONE conductor per pole!- Insulate with untreat... 
Let's talk power cords
You should look for a religios forum! That’s where you find “believers”. This is a forum for listeners - where ears are counting. 
Let's talk power cords
Give it a try and simply trust your ears! Why does this piece of wire matter? I don’t know - but may be one of you out there is smart enough to explain it to me. I tweaked my system for years but ignored power cables because I did not see how the ... 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
Spending more $$$ is no guarante for better sound. If you make smart choices along your personal audi journey you will be able to enjoy what you love even more. A higher resolving system can be more rewarding BUT it can also make things worse when... 
Hearing is believing?........power cables.......
@dynaquest4dynaquest4 wrote: "Analog-like liquidity"....really?  That's a new one.  Who makes up this stuff? I just went thru your responses to a few posts. Did it ever occur to you that you're wasting your time (and others) on Audiogon? You hav... 
Hearing is believing?........power cables.......
@shadorne I appreciate your perspective - which I understand and agree to when these circumstances apply. In my case though, I don't think they do. Each piece of gear that I use has it's own dedicated 20 Amp line - running to a dedicated breaker b... 
Hearing is believing?........power cables.......
Does anybody know - and is able to explain - why power cords can make a noticeable difference? I'm searching for answers but don't find any. Shunyata's list of "misconceptions" is interesting to read, but it does not really explain what physically...