
Responses from derrickengineer

What makes an expensive speaker expensive
YOUR EGO.. when audiophiles are willing to shell out a hundred thousand dollars + for an audio speaker I remember the words " If you build it they will come" from a Costner movie and so true is the rational behind mega buck speakers that sound gre... 
Whats your DREAM System that has synergy for your type of music?
My new simpler  Dream system would be Devialet 400 with phono, Great  all in one integrated. Legacy AerisKronos Sparta and tonearmDynavector DRT-XV 1t cart.High Fedelity Cables.The Kronos on top of my stand.Below the Devialet. Speakers left and ri... 
The Best of Fellow Audiophiles.
 There are some great people in this hobby. I too have had great service from dealers as well as individuals that knew a lot more than I did about audio. Audio Ark in Edmonton Alberta Canada  comes to mind when I think of world class service and m... 
Whats your DREAM System that has synergy for your type of music?
Many Many Years ago I had a B&O turntable that had a linear tracking arm, the turntable worked flawlessly for years.  I may try and get a mint one  for a second system some day as they come for sale on ebay and other sites from time to time. S... 
Help me choosing Phono Preamp
I had an Allnic H-1201 and it was amazing with the carts I used, Dynavector XX2-mk11, Ortofon Cadenza Black, Ortofon 2mblac mm. Allnic Puritas, Benz Micro, Grado. Then went to Allnic H1500 and it is the phono to beat at its used price point, Upgra... 
Whats your DREAM System that has synergy for your type of music?
Nice post czarivey,  Class D is really coming into its own with Devialet hybrid, Mola Mola and a few more.. Class A  may very well become a thing of the past as new technologies are being developed. Hats off to Mr. Jeff Rowland as a long standing ... 
Individual International Seller Scam
Was thye gents name Helle Pederson ?? 
Your 5 Fav Rock Concerts
FOR BEST SOUND... The Mavericks in Vegas audiophile quality sound from their performance.THE BEST WOMEN.. ACDC in Edmonton. the ladies were very friendly on the ground level wink winki.THE LOUDEST . Mr, Ted Nugent in Regina Canada. My ears rang fo... 
Why are so many companies like harbeth making old speakers designs and charging thousends?
I agree with you Jakecanada on the harbeth speakers as they look like something I can make in my garage. I prefer some science into cabinet structure and resonance compared to a box that may sound ok but when you open it up theres not much to it o... 
Individual International Seller Scam
I was posing as a buyer on the link for these speakers to see if I could get more information about the guy. Hope it works and add not removed. 
Individual International Seller Scam
Hope you get some recourse on this deal. I always ask for the Address and phone number, work number of seller, then I google it and see actually what building it is.. if its a drugstore or post office building other than a home it sends red flags ... 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
Sia has an amazing voice, only wish it was on vinyl. 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
Sia has an amazing voice, wish it was on vinyl.. 
Wyred 4 Sound Dac1 vs. Dac2
Gonna try the Wyred4S DAC2..hope it compliments the D-Sonic 500 watter on the way..D. 
Wyred 4 Sound Dac1 vs. Dac2
Ok everyone.. I'm not up on my DAC knowleage..I plug my CD player into the DAC then DAC to pre-amp or pre-amp to DAC then DAC to amps? Do I even need a So a DAC Converts the Digital signal to an analouge signal..? Is this instead of bu...