
Responses from dilly

TDL Speakers - Pls. Read & Share Your Thoughts
Hello Dan,I started this thread 14 years ago, it seems so long ago. My systems have gone through numerous changes but happy to say the TDL Studio Monitors are still with me! I still like them as the day I brought them home and they are still in ex... 
Tannoy Speakers & Bi-wiring
I have also read the internal wiring on the Canterbury SE is Acrolink. I am using Auditorium 23 speaker cables with my Canterbury SE & like the combination very much with my 300B amps. Auditorium 23 is designed for high efficiency speakers, yo... 
Mcintosh mc-601 or 1201 ?
Check out the Audioaficianado Mcintosh forum. Lots of valueable information & comparisons. 
What audio components are heirloom quality?
Tannoy Prestige range speakers. Even says that on their brochure - will become family heirlooms one day :) I tend to agree + they sure sound gorgeous.Amps - Mcintosh. 
Speaker match for MC275
Another vote for the Tannoy Prestige range with the MC275. Will be supremely musical if that is what you are seeking. 
Sophia Electric 91-01 and 91-5 300B
Charles1dad, thanks. Jeff's review was a high motivator for me to try the amps. I just could not pass over knowing Jeff is a big Tannoy fan & raving about a 300B amp on the WMR! He also values musicality very high which is my top most consider... 
Sophia Electric 91-01 and 91-5 300B
Hello Pani, just ordered & received my 91-01. I still have only around 50 hrs on them & can't comment much on the final expected sound. I use them with Canterbury's which are 96db. No issues with the volume at all & they sound quite ad... 
entry level turntable
Rega RP 1 with performance package which comes with upgraded cartridge, belt & mat. If you buy pre-installed it is cheaper. All I will say is believe all the good things you hear about this TT! P.S. - Don't judge at least till 100 hrs burnin (... 
Tannoy GLENAIR 15 vs DALI HELICON 800 MK2 ?
My vote for the Tannoy as well. I own Canterbury's. I have not heard the Dali's. A friend owned the Tannoys & Dali Euphonia MS5. He liked some traits on both speakers but overall preferred the Tannoys I believe. The Heritage range & Dual C... 
Problem with Supratek Chardonnay
Seadogs1, Raytheprinter: Thank you, this is the same address I emailed.I sent my email last week as well; will try again! 
Problem with Supratek Chardonnay
Is Mick still in business, has anyone heard from him recently? Tried to reach him through webpage & above email couple of times. No response yet. Need some help with my Chardonnay & looking for the schematic. Tks 
Preamp for McIntosh MC252
Research the Supratek Chardonnay. I used a Chardonnay with MC352 and was a great match. 
McIntosh-Keep the Classics or Sell for Newer Gear?
Hold on to your dad's gear, that's something you can't replace. It has also given new life to your collection. You can always buy a 6900, 6600, 6300 or whatever the number maybe... 
One sub or two?
Agree with Loydc comments. I used a single REL for few years & then upgraded to two RELs. The improvements were very evident. Imaging improved the most. Although they say deep bass is non-directional this is something you will immediately disa... 
What is the best amplifier for Tannoy Kensington ?
Hi What ever amp you may end up with finally, make sure you listen to a 300B based amps before you decided. I use Cary 300B monos on my Canterburys & get plenty of volume from 96db efficiency for my listening preferences. I have heard 100 watt...