
Responses from djcxxx

Dylan wins Nobel Prize in Literature
The Nobels for peace and literature have been on the downhill for the last two decades and Dylan himself would likely agree. 
Audio Research Reference 250 capacitor issue
So we all thought those big fat white Teflon caps were the audio cat's meow only to discover they are kitty litter?? 
New KT150 tubes?
Chances are that the 120 to 150 swap is not as big an issue with the ARC amps designed for the 120s as going to 120s in an amp originally designed for the 6550. The issue in my mind is the QA done by ARC on the tubes they sell and warranty. Puttin... 
New KT150 tubes?
If one is willing to accept the responsibility (i.e. cost) for any problems that ARC deems due to use of an unauthorized tube then it is a no brainer. The problem arises when customers believe the manufacturer should assume that responsibility. 
Audio Research Corporation ARC Reference 600
You can get the same "hot rod" effect with a set of Ref 300s with half the cost and effort. Even the half power of the 300s is more than needed as others have already stated, but that doesn't seem to be your goal. I would have ARC go over the amps... 
Why speaker lines come and go
Cottage industry with under capitalized hobbyists producing small scale labor intensive equipment selling to a very limited customer base. The real question is why any small high end audio manufacturer is able to survive. 
2014 CES News: ARC Showcases New CD-6
Yes I do think the CD9 a CD8 w/ enhanced digital capacities. I did not think the CD9 was sonically in another league, but it could be argued the CD9 had only a couple of hundred hours on the clock. But I think you get my drift about keeping the CD... 
2014 CES News: ARC Showcases New CD-6
My two cents. I also have a CD8 and 5SE combo and for redbook there isn't anything better unless one gets into exotic separates. If it were me and I was set on getting into digital while retaining redbook CD quality playback I'd add a high quality... 
New Magnepan 3.7 i ?
After the 3.7 was introduced it was obvious that the 20.1 would get the same treatment from wire to quasi ribbon, from a manufacturing standpoint if nothing else. I said that on the planar asylum and it was the experts and gurus who said it was no... 
Mcintosh mc-601 or 1201 ?
The 601s are a great value for their level of performance and quality. The 1201s are a lot more money and the sonic benefit will depend greatly on your room size and speaker efficiency, large room and low efficiency speakers gaining more from the ... 
Solid State to replace Audio Research REF110?
ARC tube amps are tough on tubes and they do not last 2000 hrs in my experience. After 750 hrs the bias needs to be carefully followed and kept close to ARC specs or the tube and it's resistor will fry. Also ARC tube amps are not friendly to NOS t... 
Cognitive Dissonance Theory – What Do You Think?
Cognitive dissonance is intrinsic to the psychology of high end audio. Those who deny its profound role often display the behavior most intensely. The major factors are subjectivity of experience, monetary investment, search for self validation, a... 
ARC tube CD players - Burn in
Break in used to be 50 hrs, now 600? I have had my CD8 for over 3 years and frankly it's little different now as it was new. I have 200hr on my 5SE and cannot perceive any major change in sound. However, 600 hrs breakin is a good way to defer buye... 
Audio Research Reference 5SE reliability
I drive my MC601s with the 5SE, no problems. The 601s are 20K and I believe the 452 is as well. I have always been an ARC tube amp customer, but I was so impressed with the 601s I traded in my VT200 for them. Never been a Mac fan or a "hater", but... 
Shunyata Hydra
Walk into the house of the believers and proclaim a false god? Maybe you are a philistine?