
Responses from exron

Modifying my Mark Levinson 332 for a unique visual experience
Definitely one of the top five best looking amps on this planet Earth.    It is gorgeous and I wish you many many years of happy listening with your new 332, I wish it was mine. 
John Atkinson's thoughts on the New Vandersteen System Nine from LA Show
I personally do not care for Vandersteen speakers. I just don't like the way they sound. I don't like passive woofers either, nor do  I like 4 1/2" mid-range drivers. There's way better out there for less money. It's just my opinion. Please, I don... 
Speaker Cable Suggestions
I just recently bought Transparent Audio speakers cables, "The Wave"  I got four 8 foot pairs here on audiogon brand new and on sale and I think they sound great. 
Which amps with B&W 800D's... Pass Labs or Classe?
Sorry, but they really do sound bright and uninvolving, and that is not just my opinion. One of my best friends came along with my wife and I to a Wilson dealer less than a year ago and all three of us did not like the Wilson's. We all thought it ... 
Which amps with B&W 800D's... Pass Labs or Classe?
I've heard Wilson's and they sounded bright and non-involving. When I was told how much they cost, I had to leave the store in order to control my laughing. What a complete rip off to the audiophile community. 
Which amps with B&W 800D's... Pass Labs or Classe?
The border less driver lacks dynamics and resolution when compared with more resolving speakers like Wilson Audio. ??? What? Seriously ???  Wilson speakers over B&W's   LOLOLOL I've Wilson's and sounded bright and involving. I asked the guy ... 
what to do with 1000+ CD's, many imports and live concerts
I have an interest. Can you send me a list? I collect CD's 
Hegel H20 vs. PS Audio BHK Signature 250 Stereo
I would also like to add that I did approximately 8 months of very hard research before I decided on the Perreaux. I was going back and forth between Class A/AB and Class D amps.  I was so close to actually purchasing a really good Class D mono am... 
Hegel H20 vs. PS Audio BHK Signature 250 Stereo
Your looking for a really great stereo amp ?  Why not look into the Perreaux Prisma 350 ?  I just bought a brand new one and it's fantastic. First 10 watts class A   350 Wpc & 600 Wpc  into 8 and 4 ohms.  The amp weighs 66 lbs and two pairs of... 
Perreaux Audiant VP3
Oh sorry, I have not been on the forum lately. Yes, I still have the VP3 and it is just wonderful.  It's all there sound wise, so much that I seriously do not see myself getting rid of it for a long time. It's a keeper and I'm extremely happy with... 
Ayre V-5xe Review
All Aire products have the gain set higher than most or all other stereo equipment  hoping that people will think it sounds better. I had this confirmed by a real technician on three aire products over the past seven years. The tech said to me, Wo... 
Inherited my dad's stereo - need to sell some of it
Dave, very sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. You should let Tammy from Audiogon help you as you will be able to get the most money for what the items are worth by selling them here. I would not take anything to a stereo store and try to sell st... 
Do Parasound JC1's run hot?
If your big on Mono's but you don't really care for the heat and size, but you also would like a lot of power why not check of the Classe Sigma Mono's which are 14 inches deep, 22 lbs each, and put out 350 & 700 Wpc into a 8 and 4 ohm load. Th... 
Pass Labs
I agree. The price of amps and speakers are out of sight. 
Best Class A Amp under $2,000 used?
I'm pretty sure that there is no amp out there that runs Class A with 200 Wpc into 8 ohms as the amp would problably weigh over 200 pounds. For example, the old Classe CA-400  weighed 120 lbs and did 400 Wpc into 8 ohms & 800 Wpc into a 4 ohm ...