
Responses from fiddler

Preamp Deal of the Century
I'm here. 
Review : PS Audio HCA 2 amplifier
What's a better amp, Ljgj ?An Electrocompaniet 120 ? :)Aloha,Warren 
Review : PS Audio HCA 2 amplifier
Wrong Ligi,Most of those units are B-Stock units that were used for Beta testing or they are in-store demo's.Kchahoc, I do think some of the problem could be your preamp and your speakers, neither of which is bad. I just think there is a synergist... 
Review : PS Audio HCA 2 amplifier
Not my experience at all.I am currently auditioning this amp and I find the clarity amazing with my Newform Ribbons, which are highly revealing.Don't have time to post a long review at the moment, but my experience, so far, couldn't be 180 degrees... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Aloha All,Just received an email from Mick stating my pre has been shipped.I checked the FedEx tracking # and it is still currently in Western Australia.Will keep you posted.Aloha,Warren 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Not yet Ozzy.I will report when I do. Should be this week from what Mick indicated.Aloha,Warren 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Aloha All,Mick sent me an email last week saying my Chardonnay was completed and running in, but he was waiting on the chrome cans from the platers. He said it would only take five minutes to fit them when they come in.I am a little peeved that Rm... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Aloha All,Just received this email from Mick on my Supratek:"It is just about ready- about another 3-4 hours tomorrow and it will be done. A day to run in and it will be ready for a life in Hawaii."I will keep you posted.Aloha,Warren 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Aloha,I have emailed Mick several times recently about options on my Chardonnay. Mick said production had slowed, but the preamps were sounding really good.I didn't even ask him about an ETA. At this point, I figure why bother, I'll just be patien... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Aloha Jewel,I wouldn't expect your Chardonnay anytime soon. I ordered mine on Feb. 15 or 16 and I still haven't gotten mine. If you get yours before I do, I am going to be mighty pissed !Aloha,Warren 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Patrick,There are a couple of ways I look at this situation.Mick apparently keeps a book on orders and builds them in the order they come in. The extended wait could be due to Mick slowing down production to make sure there are no QC issues with a... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Last email from Mick said 2 or 3 weeks. That was on the 15th. Today is the 27th, 12 days later, no word, but I can feel it, I'm close. Will let you know.Aloha,Warren 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
He, he, he.It seems we always feel better about this audio stuff when someone agrees with us. Just a flaw in human nature I guess.But, the bad news is that anyone rarely ever agrees with me. Warren 
Are you manufacturer's paying attention?
Kalan,I agree with you 100%. I wasn't very clear with my analogy. What I should have said is that: it is like looking at a Monet from 20 feet, all the detail is there, but instead of focusing on each detail as happens at 5 feet, from 20 feet those... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Tim, my suspicions are yes and I don't know.But I don't want to speak out of school and post any erroneous information. Send Mick an email and he usually responds within a day or two.Warren