

Responses from fork

Seattle, WA
April 11th, Thursday, at 7:30pm - First Sound AudioDon't miss our April meeting when we'll be joined by Emmanuel Go of First Sound Audio (Renton, WA), to demonstrate his fantastic line of handmade tube preamplifiers. Emmanuel is renowned for his a... 
Foobar - The easy way to make it much better.
Fidelizer is worth trying. It automatically does some of the things I've done to my Windows OS to make it sound better.http://www.windowsxlive.net/fidelizer/ 
Foobar - The easy way to make it much better.
I don't have remote in my setup, because my server has networking functionality turned off. However, there was a plugin called Foo_remote that people were using last time I checked and I'm sure there are other choices by now. Check the link I have... 
Seattle, WA
October 12th, 2012 - The Speaker Contestants Meet Zinfinity This month we have a very interesting combination. Our 2012 speaker contest winners and runners up will be bringing in their speakers for us to listen to. We'll play some of the judge’s s... 
Seattle, WA
Seattle-area Audiophiles...September 13th, 2012 - The Arm as an Instrument...Durand TonearmsJoel Durand, Professor of Composition and Associate Director of the University of Washington School of Music, will be our guest for the Audio Society's Sep... 
Anyone with experience of Klee Acoustics cables
I will add that if you're auditioning a pair of the Klee cables that have been broken in, give them at least 2-3 hours of play; I've found that they seem to need some time to warm up and acclimate to a new system before they will perform.The inven... 
Anyone with experience of Klee Acoustics cables
Klee have become my new reference and now I'm a dealer, JaguarAudioDesign.com. I heard about these a few months ago from a Stereo Times writer who told me many of the reviewers over there had adopted these cables in their systems and that I should... 
Seattle, WA
Join the Pacific Northwest Audio Society on Thursday, June 14th at 7:30 for a meeting with renowned recording engineer Todd Garfinkle of Ma Recordings for a live recording of budding Seattle woodwind artist Benjamin Zobel. Todd will demonstrate an... 
Seattle, WA
Seattle-area Audiophiles...April 12th, 2012 - deHavilland Tubes, and Tapes all NightJoin us in April to meet Kara Chaffee and see her fabulous line of deHavilland HiFi tube gear. The evening will feature her Model 50A, 45 watt, triode-wired KT88 o... 
Seattle, WA
(Seattle) Audio Society Meeting (Steve McCormack) Thur. March 8thThe next meeting of the Pacific Northwest Audio Society will be with Steve McCormack, of SMC Audio, this Thursday, March 8th. Mark this into your calendar now. Many members still rem... 
Zu Druid questions
I've had the Druids for nearly 2 years and the importance of properly setting the base gap cannot be overemphasized. Right now I have the gap set at about 1/16th of an inch (using a stack of paper under each speaker). This is contrary to the owner... 
Acoustic Revive RR-77 Ultra low pulse generator
I just finished auditioning the SR Plug from Kemp Electronics. The Kemp has the same effect, with the added benefit of adjustable signal strength and a long antenna, which makes it much less conspicuous and easier to mount than the Acoustic Revive... 
Cain & cain abbey vs Zu Druid
I have a pair of the maple Super Abbys, w/ First Watt F3, Modwright SWL and Denon 5900. I haven't tried the Druid, but what I've been told about how the Druid reflects what 213Cobra says, somewhat. One of the biggest advanages of the Druid is the ...