
Responses from fripp1

Words From the Wise
Coltrane1, the only problem with what you say is that without people like us buying gear new, there is no incentive for manufacturers to design and build new product. There is also the problem that it puts the few remaining small specialty audio s... 
Sometimes my system sounds great, sometimes awful
I experience the phenomenon often. I think Macdadtexas (and the poster to whom he referred) has the best single answer in terms of gear. Not only are there different power draws throughout the grid at different times of day, but there is a differe... 
Do powercords make a difference in sound?
Why do these responses never (at least none of those I've just read) address the issue of RFI/EMI? Interference is a real issue and so much of the approach to power cord technology is geared in the direction of eliminating the same.So these EE arg... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Hendrix. West Coast Seattle Boy. Fans of Jimi would do quite well to score this lp box. It can be had for less than $70 online. The sonics are killer. 
SHM Universal Japan SACDs
Interesting. In addition to my own reaction to the Repertoire Octopus, I've heard several of my music friends rave about the same redbook edition both when I played it and when they purchased it. That your own reaction could be so emphatic upon he... 
Review: JPS Labs Superconductor 3 Interconnect
FWIW, this is a second of the opinion about overall quality of the JPS Superconductor3. My upgrade was from the Superconductor FX (which itself had blown me away!). Resolution and transparency both increased noticeably while retaining the coherenc... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Dgob, re: your comment from 9/14. Excellent point. This a never-ending problem in human communication. I have a BA in English, attained after the large scale introduction of postmodern theory in the late 60s and into the 70s. While meaning is ulti... 
SHM Universal Japan SACDs
MJC, PLEASE do a comparison and report back. It would be hugely appreciated. Thanks. 
Why 24/7 warm-up period on amps?
Dueling mathematics! :-) eom 
Why 24/7 warm-up period on amps?
Rower30. Brilliant stuff and I salute you. The whole issue of AC is fascinating to me. Many of us have reported that our gear sounds considerably better late at night and I am not convinced it is just the alcohol as I quit drinking many months ago... 
SHM Universal Japan SACDs
MJC, did you listen to the Repertoire (3,000 copies made sticker) version of Octopus (redbook format)? That recording was one of the high water marks for me in redbook. I'm curious how you feel it does, or would, compare to the SHM-SACD of the sam... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Dgob, that'd be my view (and hence my reference to the seismic stand from Townshend). All of this (legitimate) concern with resonance has to deal with an originating source for the same(either airborne or transmitted via stands or gear, or as a fu... 
A Copernican View of the Turntable System
Interesting thread. Reading comments about resonant energy in stands/shelving etc. I was reminded of this "seismic" stand product from Townshend I just read about and which looks very intriguing to me (I love the TT too but that's another topic). ... 
SHM Universal Japan SACDs
I was going to check them out but the bank would not give me another mortgage. All kidding aside, I did buy a couple dozen of the red book SHMs and there's no doubt they are better than the standard red book issues (of the same title and mastering... 
anyone audiophiles/audioholics in Buffalo NY
Yeah, we're out here. We're probably too whacked out to have any chance at integrating into civil society but we're here. I know at least three others in the region. We ought to have some sort of mutual support sytem.