
Responses from gjwaudio

Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hi MikeRE: Degaussing Plastic - in a a word or two "It Works". I was very skeptical when I read about treating vinyl records to a degaussing before play - very counterintuitive on the surface.Well, a listen to "Ambrosia" on the Monster L75, a slow... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hello JEAN !!So good to get word from you... and of the world wide Lenco campaign. How very refreshing to read a long rant... been quite a while.Good Luck in your travels - and let's hope the pieces finally come together for "The Review" !...and D... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hi WolfEd Crockett's contact info can be found at: http://www.vintagelectronics.com/Contact.htm (note the single "e" in the middle of the URL).The email address for Ed is: info@vintagelectronics.comGood Luck with The Hunt !Grant 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hi Gp49Fortunately I've had no need for idler rebuilds !! I think Mario_B had one redone by Ed... but I could be mistaken (...twice in one day !!). I remember somebody from Da Thread used Ed's service, and was very pleased with the result.If you c... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hi Stefanl... and OOPS !I stand corrected - Ortofon do indeed offer the "D 20 E MK II" replacement stylus (just checked www.ortofon.com), described as a "nude elliptical" tip.The availability issue is with the VMS30 model - they no longer offer th... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hi Wolf(...since nobody else has spoken up...)You're correct in recalling much talk of both these carts on "Da Thread I". JN (and others...) have been big proponents of the Ortofon (it was his recommendation that prompted me to search the web for ... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Tessera...I got my Cameo at Home Hardware (Markham, Ontario area). Find 'em in the phone book and call ahead to make sure it's in stock... not every location had it on the day I went looking.Happy polishing !Grant 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hi Kravi4ka...Welcome to the Brotherhood ! You know, the real answer to your question "How BIG is big enough ?" is answered with another question: "How much weight can YOU stand to live with ?".I recently finished a Monster-Class plinth of BB/MDF,... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hmmm... and OOPS.What strange double-post phenomenon is this ? Not my intent to have the message repeated in the thread. Sorry for the inconvenience.Grant 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Exciting, Exciting EXCITING !! Lenco comes into the Light !!Congratulations to ALL who have contributed in the Great Experiment, kicked off by Jean oh-so-many years ago ! We have learned many lessons together, through the community of Da Thread/Da... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Exciting, Exciting EXCITING !! Lenco comes into the Light !!Congratulations to ALL who have contributed in the Great Experiment, kicked off by Jean oh-so-many years ago ! We have learned many lessons together, through the community of Da Thread/Da... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
Hi GougharyWOW... You've saved the whole enchilada ! What dedication and discipline. On behalf of those who wish they had done the same - Thank You.I'm guessing your offer of "zip-n-send" will attract many requests from "Da Thread" people... perha... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
My thanks to all The Activists for lighting the Candle of Hope ! I really do look forward to my daily dose of "Da Thread".May The Lenco Brotherhood (...remember - Ladies Welcome too) continue in the same spirit of support and encouragement we've e... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
My thanks to all The Activists for lighting the Candle of Hope ! I really do look forward to my daily dose of "Da Thread".May The Lenco Brotherhood (...remember - Ladies Welcome too) continue in the same spirit of support and encouragement we've e...