
Responses from glenner

New Bookshelf speakers u love 3k to 6k
Excellent choice and congrats Nyaudio98.I purchased the JMR Orfeo Supremes last spring and enjoy them immensely.First heard The Offrande Supremes at RMAF and was hooked.You will love 'em.Let us know your further impressions once you've spent some ... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo Mk2 or Daedalus Ulysses v2
Acoustic Zen-heard both at RMAF.Plenty of bass for my tastes and refinement to boot 
The best speaker you ever heard?
My Jm Reynaud Orfeo Supremes. 
Audio Exklusiv P0.2 Phono Stage
Anyone heard this particular phono stage? 
Speaker recommendations, budget $10-15K
Can't go wrong with the Crescendos. 
In-ear Headphone Advice Requested
I'll second the Shure recommendation.I auditioned a bunch of brands all in an hour with my iPhone using the same three songs and they came out on top every time. 
Best speaker on used market around 10,000.00
Research Sanders Sound Systems Model 11 electrostatics.If electrostatics aren't your thing my next vote goes for Acoustic Zen Crescendos.I got to listen to both at RMAF and both were phenomenal. 
Legacy Studio HD or Joseph Audio RM7XL Speakers?
i've heard the larger Legacy audio speakers at RMAF and the Joseph Audio Pulsars the same weekend.My take on it is that Legacy speakers seem to me at least to thrive in larger rooms.The Pulsars in an average size hotel room really did seem to do n... 
French Speakers?
If you're ever in the area I would go visit Amherst audio and check out Jm Reynaud loudspeakers.I don't own them but have heard the latest Offrandes and I'm hoping they'll be my next upgrade. 
Tall Tower Speakers for $10-14k
I would seriously consider the Acoustic Zen Crescendos.Very nice looking and stunning sound at 50" height I believe.And true full range to boot. 
Best $1,500-ish New or Used Floorstander -
Anthony Gallo Classico CL-3 new,Acoustic Zen Adagios used,or anything by Joseph audio used in that range. 
Mini Monitors under $500 used
In that price range,I also concur with the Silverline Minuets.They filled the Marriot hotel room no problem at RMAF with beautiful sound. 
Looking for an integrated w/ a more forward sound
Owned the Bryston,definitely not forward.Had Sim's previous model to that one [I-3SE] and I would say it leaned to a forward presentation.Out of all your choices I've heard good things about the Roksan and LFD.Exposure integrateds also tend to hav... 
need 2 channel amp
I would also add to your list,if you're looking at solid state is an amplifier by Atoll Electronique.I picked up the IN 100SE integrated in December and still enjoying it.Inexpensive new or used.Frequencies are nice top to bottom with great sounds... 
Top big-name monitors current versions .
Have a listen to JM Reynaud's Offrande Supreme.Amazing vocals along with everything else.