
Responses from gogamecocks

Vibration Problem
I had great luck with Bright Star Air Mass 3 which can be had for about $100 new. The cheap equivalent is to sit your player on an innertube with just enough air to float the player, too much air raises the resonant frequency and reduces effective... 
Best 2-CH AMP at $2500
I'm not sure if you are looking for new or used, but a Pass X250 could be had for only a little more if you shop carefully. You would not be disappointed! 
Tweater hiss
The fact that you isolated your amp from the rest of the system would narrow it down to a couple of possible explanations that I would check first. 1. The noise is typical of the unit (ask Bryston)2. Try an AC line conditioner. (garbage in - garba... 
Stress relief for a power amp ? look advise, tks
I say no difference. If the output side of the amp is being pushed into clipping, the amount of input voltage used to push the amp to that point is irrelevant. 
Do I really need a crossover when running 2 amps?
Glad to see that you are still enjoying my old XL600!!! 
Tweater hiss
If you unplug your preamp from the amp, do you still have the hiss? Does the hiss change in volume when you adjust the volume of the preamp? 
Theta Dreams
It's a shame they left the two channel DAC market to concentrate on HT. I had a Pro Prime II and used it for many years. My Muse Model Nine did it in(barely) which sold for $3250 new some five years after the Prime II. 
Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase
Goose is onto something. Research has indeed proven that when selling to men, you sell on quality or return on investment. When you sell to women, approach from the aspect of "how much it's discounted" and "what a bargain" it is. Anyway, I don't t... 
Good preamp for under $300
I can second the recommendation on the B & K Pro 10MC. I used one for about 5 years before upgrading. 
Power cord construction techniques
Instead of putting the capacitors on your cord, put them on the back of the duplex. I believe the tweak I read was to use 2 .47uf 600v caps wired in parallel across the back of the duplex. Please verify this before burning your house down. Also, I... 
BAT VK500 upgrade struggles
What about using a different set of tubes in the CD unit to alter the sound? 
best 1-source pre-amp w/remote - $700-$2000 used?
Pass Aleph P (2nd version) if you can find anyone willing to sell, I'm not. The quote I remember from the review was "quiet as death". I know you can get different sound, I'm just not sure you can get better. 
Audiolab info needed
Last I heard, Tag Mclaren was considering dropping out of the Audio business. Parts could be a problem even if Artech is around to do the service. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Bwhite, better to be Passe' than Pisse' 
Preamps for $300 to match with B&K st-140?
I'll put in a vote for the B&K Pro 10MC preamp. Stereophile Class C in it's day. Nice phono stage, external power supply, balanced output, can be used as a passive preamp. I used one for several years and thought it was a pretty impeccable for...