
Responses from heavenlyaudio

People buying Transports again?
Levy03 this is nice to hear. i have quite a bit of experience with the PWD and Bridge. Great sounding unit. I have listened to hi-rez files though the Bridge and it sounds good but not what I expected. Maybe a PWT is in order. 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
OK. Went to my mailbox today and my Maestro outlets had arrived. So I installed 2 of them, plugged things back up, powered on the system, and started listening. I must say WOW what a difference. Now I'm hearing what I call an improvement. I have w... 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
I had 4 dedicated 20 Amp outlets installed. Will be adding Maestro outlets to them as soon as they come in. I didn't need 4 outlets but while the guy was pulling cable I had him pull extra. My initial impressions with new line is about the same as... 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
will do. I'm waiting for my electrician to give me a price for dedicated lines. I guess the electrician I used has too much business because he is taking too long :-) 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
Wanted to give everyone an update. I'm having dedicated power lines installed first. Next will be an audition of Bybee and Audio Magic power conditioners. Thanks everyone for all of your recommendations. 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
Metman this is like asking how do you know you need/want new cables? As I went through trying new power cables I noticed noise I contributed to coming from my AC line. Is the money one would spend on power better utilized for something else? That ... 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
WOW thanks for the comments and multiple recommendations. Of course I can't try everything but will utilize the Cable Company as I believe they carry quite an assortment of gear that I can try in my home. 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
Zd542 thanks for the recommendation. I will give them a call. 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
Warrenh you are correct. A lot of suggestions which is good. Sounds like a lot of people have had great success with the Audio Magic. I will give them a look.