

Responses from himiguel

Best value phono $1-1.5k
Wright Sound AG Phono with NOS tubes. 
What are the High, Medium output MC top contenders
Thanks All. I'll pick up a Ruby 3H and report my findings.Any of you encounter not enough gain from you're tube phono stage, lack of dynamics without the use of a step up transformer and therefore looked for a higher output MC's? My experience wit... 
Audio Magic Stealth pc experiences.
The Hydra is colored in comparison. There is a small hazebetween you and the music.The Hydra is also a little bloated. Every system is different, and you'll have to audition the stealth, to make sure it's what you're lookingfor. I use a Virtual Dy... 
Anybody knows Virtual Dynamic cable?
I own Virtual Dynamic cables through out my sysytem, and this has been the biggest upgrade in my system yet. I've ownMIT Oracle, Transparent Ref XL, Acoustic Zen, AP, Harmonic Technologies. These cables compete with the best. Recently upgraded my ... 
Perpetual Tech P1A
I own the P1-A and use a Levinson 360s with it. It tookmy dac to another level. I'm selling the P1-A to purchasethe DCS unit. 
Do Transparant Cables have a sonic sig?
I'm using Ultra Xl and also agree with Gmorris. Upgrading to Reference XL. Transparent has revealed the full potential of my electronics. Rowland 8t amp, BAT vk30se pre, N802,Levinson 360s dac. Have tried other cables but Transparent is the best i... 
Levinson 360s + Sony 9000ES ?
Recently just had the chance to finish my evaluation byfindind a Reference XL ss rca cable for my Levinson 360s.My findings are copletely different than my findings whenI first started this thread. The Levinson finally shwed it'sfull potential, ev... 
Transparent Cable Questions
I upgraded from Supers xlr's to Ultra and it was a big difference. I think the Ultra is where their high end line of cables begin. Better bass, more harmonically correct,better micro details. After owning many cables Analasys Plus, Harmonic Techno... 
Levinson 360s + Sony 9000ES ?
Hi Lev335, I'm not saying that the Sony is better just thatthe interconnects are making more of a difference. I'musing 9000es as my transport. Rest of system consist of BAtvk30se pre, B&W N802, Jeff Rowland 8t amp, Perpetual Technologies upsam... 
Transparent Cables - Worth the money?
Ontario, my listening tests from listening to transparent tell me that transparent only sounds as good as the rest ofyou're electronics and that the cable exposes any weak linksin that particular system. Listening to my friends systemthat consists... 
Transparent Cables - Worth the money?
I just upgraded my system from Analysis Plus Silver Ovals toTransparent Ultra XL xlr and Reference XL speaker cablesand it's clearly better than AP in timbre, bass, resolution,soundstage. Not to say that AP is bad, but it's overmatchedby Transpare... 
Transport for ML360S?
Hi Ralee, I use a 360s with the 9000es as my transport with Transparent Reference digital cable and this combo sounds great. My next upgrade will be to try ML37 as transport.I Know this is going to be better but I don't know by what margin, and al... 
Levinson DAC s
I own a 360s and use the Sony 9000 as a transport with aPerpetual Technologies PA-1 upsampler and Transparent Reference digital cables(coax,aes xlr)and love this combo.The A-B comparisons between the Sony 9000 and the 360s,put the Levinson in anot... 
Power cord upgrade for Rowland 8T
Thanks for all the input. I'm going to pick up a Top GunHFCI. Does length of the pc affect it's performance anddo you guys plug in you're amps straight to the wall. 
Soney 9000ES as a transport
I,ve had mine for a week, 140 + hrs. As a cd player it is good, but doesn't come close to my Levinson 360s + upsamplercombo P-1a Perpetual Technologies combo. I think that it makes a great transport. Rest of system consist of JR 8t amp,BAT VK-30se...